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My Interests

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Tan Morrison


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Movies and film, filmmaking, music, meeting new people, and generally having a good time.

I am currently attending MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University) and pursuing a degree in electronic media production. That's at least what I'm doing for the time being. In my down time, I like to kick it, play some pool, sit by the pool, hot tub, or just hang out doing nothing at all.


Age / Twenty-one
Body / 5'11"
Status / Relationshipped
Hometown / Chattanooga, TN
Orientation / Straight
Here for / Friends / Networking
Education / in progress
Words of Wisdom
I enjoy life, and living it. Life is all about meeting new people and forming relationships. In my own personal opinion, you shouldn't ever do anything that makes you unhappy. Don't worry what other people think. As far as worrying goes, don't. From my experiences I have learned that if I can't do something right away that will result in the abolishment of the object of my worry, then I don't need to worry about it. Live as if you'll die tomorrow, dream as if you'll live forever. I'm dating a tiny lady who smells good sometimes.


Garden State, James Bond, Transformers, Fight Club. There are too many, you would be here all night reading.


Way too much music to put here. Anything but country.


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