The cast of Jackass!! (What can I say I like watching people do stupid shit), Dane Cook cause he is fucking hilarious SU-FI, Criss Angel his magic is amazing!MySpace Codes
I love Rock and Roll...(Check out the X's Myspace page if you ever get the chance) 1)Guns and Roses 2) Fuel 3) Aersomith 4) The Doors 5)Def Leppard 6) The Beatles 7) A7X 8)CKY ....Basically if its Rock and Roll I'm game :)
1)Interview With the Vampire 2)Speed 3)Point Break 4)Queen of The Damned 5) The Matrix(all three movies :)I dont feel like listing all the movies im in love with lol theres alot:)But my fave movie of all time is "Heathers"
1)The Fresh Prince of Belair 2)Jackass 3)Wildboys 4)Ahhhhh..... Real Monsters (great cartoon lol) 5)Punked 6)Insomniac Music Theatre (I have insomnia so it works ) 7)Anything on the Discovery Channel (No im not a pathetic geek it keeps me entertained) 8)Will & Grace 9)Frasier