TIMEWASTERS’ LTD. is a new old band, built from the ashes of older, newer bands, and this is their first band EVER! Glad to have you abooard. Come abroad and celebrate the miserable, great time with us! That’s Timewasters, LTD., and you can set your bank to it!
We have two (2) CDs out, both EXCELLENT. See if you can find them! (you won’t). If you want one, them, or the other, put in a good word to this site, and some big bucks (5), and then put that WHERE YOUR MOUTH is, combine the two with a nice note, and see if certainly the quality will come your way. Or do NOTHING AT ALL and listen to some other records that you ALREADY HAVE, if you’re like me, then you’ve got a LOT of them, and there’s boxs of ’em that are probably REALLY GOOD, but how would you know, ’cause you haven’t listened to them all yet. And you NEVER WILL. Isn’t that just THE TRUTH. Your FAVORITE song could be gathering moss in yr basement, and you wouldn’t even know, ’cause it’s on a record you’ve NEVER HEARD. Maybe you’ll hear it some day, and it’ll change your life. Maybe you NEED a change in your life, and you WON’T get it, because you’ll DIE before EVER hearing the song that would change your life! Stop and think about THAT sometime. But NOT NOW. There’s WAY BETTER things to do.