I love music (you can see what kinds for yourself), reading, writing (no arithmatic). Started playing drums when I was 11 and became a full blown percussionist (orchestral, jazz, Latin, electronic)at my performing arts magnet program HS where they bussed kids into the absolutely worst inner city school in Ft. Lauderdale. My first week of HS a teacher got stabbed, student got shot, and a girl gave herself an abortion in the bathroom and left the foetus in the paper towel dispenser. Most kids in the arts program got jumped at least once, myself included. I've been in NYC on and off since 1993, but have been here since 2000 this last time. I've lived in mostly really bad areas since I moved to NYC @ 16, but after going to school in ghetto Ft. Lauderdale and other crackhead areas I've lived in in S. FL, there is no area of NYC that really scares me. Though I've been called white girl a lot, I've been called Red 10X more often. I wanted to meet all my music/writing/filmmaker heroes before they died (Johnny Thunders had just died the year before I moved here) but looking back on it and probably not realizing it, or I did. So far I've been pretty fortunate, although a lot of them seem to die shortly after meeting me (I swear it's all coincidence). It would probably shock everybody who knew me in high school, and probably most people who have known me since then but I make my living dealing with children's librarians all day. Okay, as of a few weeks ago I did, now I get unemployment for doing it for three years while I now look for a job with a publisher. It would probably shock them even more to know that one of the children's publishers contracted me to write several books for them. And yes, they had seen me in person beforehand, which just goes to show, talent will out. Got really into kung fu for a while @ Lee Koon Hung's Choy Lay Fut Kung Fu . Actually medaled at some fighting tournaments but my Sifu always begged me not to compete with forms. Kung Fu did not make me graceful. 10 years with Barishnokov and Emily Post would not make me graceful.
Your Personality Is Like Heroin
You're capable of the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Addicted to feeling good, you'll do almost anything to avoid pain.
People seek you out, even though you can be quite moody. They're hooked on you!
At your best: You are euphoric, stress free, and a little sleepy.
What people like about being around you: They're not exactly sure, but they can't get enough about you.
What people dislike about being around you: When you finally leave, they go some pretty serious withdrawl.
How addicted people get to you: Very... you're quite dangerous.
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?
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