Howdy and Blessings Family!
Thank you for the honor of your time and attention!
You are a blessing!
I hope my message finds you in a time of love, meaning, self awareness, prosperity, and creativity.
In May 2007, I advised in my online journal that I was ready for and no longer afraid of romantic love. I had been single for three years and was not dating anyone at the time that I made this declaration. Three months later on July 7, 2007 (7/7/07), I married the most beautiful man I have ever met, James Arthur Hill.
How did I go from loneliness to matrimony in three months?
I used a system I created called The Love Finder. Over the last month, I have spent time working on the method to reduce the time frame from three months to one month.
I think The Love Finder system may help you.
This system is intensive and may push you out of your comfort zone into a loving relationship.
I believe in The Love Finder system so much that I am willing to guarantee it. I am willing to give a complete refund, if you do not find love after a month of 100 % compliance with my system.
If you are ready to fearlessly and effectively fall in love, please email me a request for The Love Finder system.
If you would like an enlightenment reading, please review the following….
I have received a few emails requesting that I predict the future of babies, romantic relationships, birthday cheer, etc.
First, understand that I will not predict your future. I have a very powerful chi or personal energy and confidence that make my power of suggestion very, very compelling. I used to abuse this gift by manipulating people into doing what I wanted them to do. My accuracy depended on my ability to control the person I was supposed to be helping.
I had an awakening and realized how wrong I was.
As a way to make amends for my past deception, I now spend my time teaching people how to predict their own futures and how to maintain their personal power and remain free from the dramas of manipulation, deception, and cons.
I honor your ability to continually manifest a positive, peaceful, happy, loving, creative, and wealthy destiny through your expressions of free will and unfettered awareness of the beautiful, spiritual reality of all things.
I feel it would be an injustice of me to limit your infinite potential to achieve by making educated guesses about your future based on how you present yourself.
I am not here to limit you I am here to help you unleash your infinite nature.
I am not here to give you advice; I am here to illustrate how you can learn to listen to, accept, and honor your own internal advisor.
It is entirely up to you to make your present moment--a moment worth living, remembering, and cherishing.
I will not sugar-coat. I have faith that you are receiving and allowing my message, because you are now ready to handle the truths that I offer.
I will not offer band aid solutions. I find offering quick, ineffective, knee jerk responses unproductive and inaccurate.
I will not offering Pollyanna-ism. I promote a positive, empowering acceptance of reality not a denial of it. The truth is not as painful, scary, or shaming as people tend to believe.
I am not implying that other psychics, advisors, spiritualists who offer their expositions, explanations, directives into your life are incorrect, less effective, or manipulative.
I respect and honor the diverse spiritual paths of all beings. And, I believe that there is a call for all of us to help you in your journey. Everyone you allow into your awareness is a master teacher and is capable of conveying meaningful lessons that may serve as pivotal points in your soul's blossoming and enlightenment.
If you feel what I have shared with you so far is provocative, please allow me the honor of working with you.
Satisfaction is Suggested.
I love you!
God bless you!
Veronica Haunani Fitzhugh-Hill
A Free Exercise and Lesson In Trust
Imagine that there were two people in front of you.
Both of them are known liars, con artists, crazy, and homicidal.
One of them will be your mentor and help you free yourself from all your fears and help you move toward love and success.
The other will torture all those who you love in front of you and then torture and kill you.
You have five minutes to make your decision.
If you do not decide then you will be cursed that your fears will become realities and plague you all of your life and you will never be blessed with anything ever again.
What would you do or say?
And, what has led you to pick that particular course of action?
The Practicality Of Spirituality
I am blessed to be able to do what I love, learn, teach.
I have created a therapeutic, spiritual multi-media method to manifest whatever you want, need, love into your life. And, I would like to share it with you.
The effectiveness is up to you.
The time commitment is up to you.
The cost to participate is on a sliding scale meaning that it is a percentage of your income. If you have no income and do not recognize any of your abundance sources, you may participate if you agree to promote my mission by providing testimonials and inviting others to participate in our new meaningful way of life.
The cost not to participate is also up to you.
The version found written on the wall in Mother Teresa's home for children in Calcutta:
People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some unfaithful friends and some genuine enemies. Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and sincere people may deceive you. Be honest and sincere anyway.
What you spend years creating, others could destroy overnight. Create anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, some may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.
Give the best you have, and it will never be enough. Give your best anyway.
In the final analysis, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway.
"You have to live at the next level, if you want to be at the next level." Mike Brown, Charlottesville, Virginia
"In the end it is not about belief. It is about caring about things. It is not important to me what you care about. It is only important that you care." Veronica Haunani Fitzhugh-Hill, Charlottesville, Virginia
All writings that are not my own are accompanied with information about the author or source. You may repost any of my writing. I am honored by the active readership. All I ask is that you include a link to this page in the post. All feedback is welcome. In your feedback, please advise me if I may publish your content, and if you want to be credited or prefer to remain anonymous.
Love yourself and each other.
Veronica Haunani Fitzhugh-Hill
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I adore this inspirational piece!