This is the official myspace for Global Consumer Solidarity Movement please join and write, edit, or add to articles. It is easy to do and anyone can do it!
Our goal is to establish a strong community of socially aware consumers. As consumers each dollar we spend must be considered a vote for the policies, ethics, and practices of the company receiving the profits. It is important that we consider exactly what we are supporting. While how a product looks, works, or tastes is important, we believe that it is equally important that a company operates with the common interest of the community in mind.
Please do not be discouraged by the current lack of content in this site, it will take some effort on the part of this entire community to flourish. Please take the incentive and start new articles, add to existing ones, don't be intimidated, we will make this a great resource together. Articles can always be restored to a previous state or moved to a different location, so even if you are new to wikis just dive in.
Imagine thousands of users, buying in solidarity, consumers drive the economy, and companies have no choice but to meet our demands, so demand equal rights, demand fair trade, demand sustainable industry, demand responsible business ownership!
Global Consumer Solidarity Movement