i'm just a man who knows that there's more to this life than what the eye can see. my faith is in the historical Jesus Christ of Nazareth. the God man who proclaimed Himself as the Son of God. the Word who spoke of His death to come so that the scriptures may be fulfilled. the Son of Man who said He would be resurrected on the third day. all of these things happened and because of that my faith is not blind but objective. ever since the day that I gave up my life to Jesus, i've appreciated life like never before. my mission in life is to glorify Him. i love to write. He created me. i must use that passion for His namesake. even when times are rough, i can always put things into perspective. He suffered a brutal death willingly and here i am with my measly problems. as tough as i think i am, the thought of suffering the death He suffered is difficult to even imagine. so would i trade my problems for His death by crucifixion? let me humble myself by saying, "no thank you". and yet He traded. He traded His perfect place in eternity for a grueling painful death so that I may have life. why?! becasue He IS love. i'm far from perfect but because of what Jesus did for me, the very least i can do is live my life for Him and to worship Him. i'm not even close to being the greatest emcee but when i do best believe that i lift up the name JESUS CHRIST! I couldn't live it any other way!