she was a poet profile picture

she was a poet

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im from New Jersey so ive got a rough edge at times... ive got a warm and fuzzy side to. im a momma so that goes without saying. I would do anything for those I care for. Ive been around the world and I still sometimes wonder where I belong in it. Ive had my heart broken, put back together, and smashed to pieces again, and its still beating. I am extremely forgiving and find it impossible to hold a grudge. I suffer from systematic lupus, and feel pretty crappy most of the time, but I try to make the best of it. I consider myelf very nerdy. I have a very bizarre fashion sense. I wish I was taller. Nobody believes im in my thirties, I maintain a childlike wonder and a playful attitude, and have a very youthful appearance. my favorite color is purple and orchids are beautiful. I think it is easy sit down and talk with anyone. about anything. I Love meeting all manner of people. And observing the world turning. Ive been in the company of the rich and poor, healthy and sick, the happy and the lost. I naturally question everything. Im a seeker. I believe the world can be saved. I detest boundaries and restrictions ,red tape ,arrogance, and Bon Jovi. Ive loved writing since i could hold a pencil. Passionate about art and music....and I love the eighties more than you. :p
Photo by edvirus on MocoSpace


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Music lovers, the dreamers and enthusiasts, circus freaks, record collectors,philosophers, musicians, posers, movers, shakers, twisters,spazoids, scientists, poets,rockers, goofballs. surfers. geeks. rastas. metalheads. nerds. jocks. tourists. alchemists, architects, bartenders, astronauts,clowns,activists, mountain climbers....And one person more than anyone else in the world. xx

My Blog

Lupus, what it feels like at its worst

This morning I woke up riding a wave of nausea. I slept until almost nine, which is not like me at all, had I been feeling better I would have woke up much earlier. I slept all day yesterday as well. ...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Nov 2008 07:34:00 GMT

Adventures in parenting: kids + electronics = total disaster

The equation is simple. And its a cold hard fact of life. (or rather, of life with little ones) Your home could be full of dollar store knick knacks and cheap, worthless crap, but if you have children...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 16:28:00 GMT

Only on myspace

I add everyone. Well..almost. If I know from the jump all you want to do is spam me with crap about reducing my mortgage Im not a friend collector im a people watcher. people fascin...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 15:03:00 GMT

Calling all gay Fridays

Ive just had a bad breakup. lets just say it ended very badly and not get into detail shall we? When relationships bust apart I suppose I can thank Godess for that emotion fueled surge of creativit...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 10:19:00 GMT

As Autumn approaches..

Been feeling like little miss frumpy all weekend. A virtual shitstorm of events descended upon me like a ton of bricks. When it rains it certainly does pour.....My roomate moved out and ive been bumme...
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 23:00:00 GMT

Learning to lift

I cant dress too down to lift my heavy head...... what difference does it make?.... If I wear makeup? earrings? a smile? ...none...or alot... but I can't lift my heavy heart
Posted by on Sun, 31 Aug 2008 19:37:00 GMT


What is it about breaking up that makes us women deteriorate into a self deprecating shame spiral? Seriously say it with me ladies..."Estrogen is a bad motherfucker" ..... Technically its the fluctua...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 11:31:00 GMT

For you...

become the man inside...shake off the dust of a soul long gone... the golden moment at dusk...the boy on your shoulders...talking of trains and horses...take from your shoulders your fathers heavy cl...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 14:59:00 GMT

The Breath of life

Breathing in...Loving Father Breathing out...Abba Breathing in...Wise Spirit Breathing out...Sophia x Breathing in...Godess Breathing out...Woman God Breathing in...Sister God Breathing out......
Posted by on Sat, 30 Aug 2008 08:50:00 GMT

opposable thumbs versus killer Instinct

Last night I got pretty banged up. No I don't mean like drunk or anything. I got served. By an animal. My friend Clint is dog sitting his parents little Jack Russell terrier "Piper" for the week. She...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Aug 2008 14:44:00 GMT