Marko: Music, scuba diving, airsoft, guitars, motorcycles, and of course my girl. I also like writing my own music and doing photography, especially when it comes to my GIJoe colection youll see those just click on my pics. Tiffany: Marko, astronomy, Harley Davidson motorcycles, METAL, and dancing. We both like to fuck each other best of all!!!
We love to hang out with our friends that share our love of rockin and drinkin! We just love to have a good time!
Heavy Metal, Classicicall, Rocknroll, Death Metal, Alteritive Rock, Some Punk, basicaly any thing thats ROCKs
We really like action and comedy but mostly scary movies. Marko especially is also interested in animation films
the Sipsons, Smallville, Future Rama, Superman tas, Batman tas,The Batman, Justice League Unlimted. WWE pro wrestling... Tiffany also loves football
Marko is really into Supergirl & Superman & anythig from DCcomics. I also like reading war stories especially when it comes to WWII stories. Tiffany, being the intellectual one, reads her homework like a good girl. Besides that I also read the legends of King Arthur, Harry Potter, and any sort of mythology.
Marko: Superman and Supergirl, my Grandpa and any one who loves the enviormetnt and fights to save nature. Tiffany: My Grandma and my Dad. I also admire our men and women in the armed forces.