Jon Gosselin has an epiphany |
In case you are even less hooked into the cultural sewer than i am, Jon Gosselin is the former husband of a brood mare named Kate Gosselin (until the divorce is finalized, i suppose) who managed to po... Posted by on Fri, 02 Oct 2009 12:21:00 GMT |
ghost in the machine of eat |
a short story, in poem format. it makes no sense, this swellinggirth, this smelly piss, weird coloredshit, green links of doomexcrete, delete, contractgood god, the grunt... expeli swell and sweat so... Posted by on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:24:00 GMT |
Giligadi's 20 Greatest Non-Hits project |
To commemorate the upcoming 20th anniversary of my recording efforts, i've decided to put together a remastered and, in some cases, re-imagined, set of songs from the entire back catalog, and i need s... Posted by on Fri, 05 Jun 2009 13:26:00 GMT |
My sick mind in the snack section |
I bought some Fiddle Faddle the other day at the dollar store. Caramel popcorn with peanuts. Should be fairly simple, innocent and delicious, right? Yes, it should. And before all of you out there... Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 00:04:00 GMT |
Links to Giligadi music online |
After being out of print for 16 years, "Fissures in the Faithful" is finally available for purchase on the interwebz. I lovingly re-mastered each track and also included two 'bonus tracks' not includ... Posted by on Sat, 09 May 2009 23:23:00 GMT |
Auricular Audio Magazine #14 |
Giligadi is one of the featured artists on the newest Auricular Audio Magazine cd, available now as a CDr from the website: My contribution to the comp is a song called 'S... Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 13:27:00 GMT |
Jojo: Cat, presence, a muscular mound of love. |
The world is literally a smaller place, today, because Jojo has died. Jojo was a cat, but he was much more than that. He was, in fact, a huge orange anomaly who daily put idiotic and tired stereotyp... Posted by on Tue, 14 Apr 2009 20:55:00 GMT |
Lappy Lappy Lappy... Joy Joy Joy |
Ok, so a friend of mine (who will remain nameless in this blog, but everyone who knows me knows exactly who it is) came up for a visit last week, and mentioned in an offhand way that he had been tempt... Posted by on Wed, 25 Mar 2009 16:52:00 GMT |
"Expect to Respond" |
Ok, so i know i've uploaded two other versions of the song, but this is the final one, i think. I've made small tweaks to it, added subtle stuff to the front and back, and in general think that it ha... Posted by on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 18:12:00 GMT |
CD re-issue of 'Fissures in the Faithful' |
After nearly 17 years of being out of print/in the wilderness, "Fissures in the Faithful" is on the verge of being re-issued as a CD on Auricular Records. For now the release date is tentatively set ... Posted by on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 08:31:00 GMT |