My Blog
Sur to the Vey
1. Who are you? 2. Are we friends? 3. When and how did we meet? 4. How have I affected you? 5. What do you think of me? 6. What's the fondest memory you have of me? 7. How long do you think we will be...
Posted by on Sun, 20 Jul 2008 20:22:00 GMT
its locked and loaded.
Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. its this indescribable thing. its crazy. this boy is absolutely amazing. when i spend time with him, its like I'm instantly smiling. When my cell phone r...
Posted by on Tue, 18 Sep 2007 19:35:00 GMT
when blood runs black ♥
note: This blog is not meant to hurt anyone or make anyone feel bad. If the person that this is referring to reads this, I'm not writing this to make you seem like a bad person. I am really sorry if ...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 19:10:00 GMT
Quiz ? ( stole from Andrew)
Posted by on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:47:00 GMT
Sweet Escape ♥
what is it with people? They assume dumb shit that they don't even know is fact. People go around thinking that they can say shit about whoever they want. I mean everyone has said something behind som...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 18:54:00 GMT
Face Down ♥
some people just don get it. They go through life thinking that life is one big party. I have a friend like that. Atleast i think she is still my friend. She hasn't been at scool on God know's how lo...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 09:18:00 GMT
♥ Somebody ♥
Unheard Concept is amazing! I love those guys to death.
Andrew,Tuck,Desper,Jullian and guys are amazing I wouldn't trade you for the world.
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 11:15:00 GMT
I write sins not tragedies ♥
This whole situation with me and Christina is over. I can't stand it. I went to the end of drama class today and of course she was sitting up at Miss Raycrofts desk, like she always is.&nb...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Jan 2007 17:48:00 GMT
So earlier I went back and read all of my old comments.
Big Mistake.
I started thinking about all the things back then that made me happy that I don't have anymore.
I miss the d...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 21:19:00 GMT
Wicked Garden♥
Today was depressing for some reason. Just alot of stuff happened I guess. I was just tired to begin with. We didn't get to sleep last night until about 3 o'clock because Andrew kept getti...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 21:56:00 GMT