We practice in Alex's garage whenever we can and we record things on Becky's phone, however Becky's phone only records 30 seconds, limiting us somewhat.
We don't want to be the next Queen, we just want to have a good time, whilst playing music. There's too much pressure on people to become the next Big Thing, wherever did bands like The Specials or The Bodysnatchers go? They were good and stood the test of time, we're not afraid of a bit of hard work, but we also want to mess around a bit, otherwise, what would be the point?
We're pretty self sufficient really, we know alot of other bands say "If it wasn't for such-and-such-a-band then we wouldn't have a leg to stand on" but no one's really helping us, however thanks goes out to all the people on our friends list for their support, and our loyal groupies, who've screamed, made banners and whored themselves off, all for us. =]
We're quite proud to say that we've written our first ever song, titled My Hamster Just Died: A Story Of Murder And Sacrifice, which is quite an achievement. Although not all credit can be taken for the entire song, which makes me question the legality, however that is a bridge we shall cross at a later date. Prepare to see our new song when we've saved up enough to record it!
Pictures and recordings coming soon!
So, What's Everyone Thinking About 1337?
Idea jacked from Joel and Sam, who no doubt stole it off some old lady in the street.
Sam: It's a-goood.
Drake: 1337 are so cool! I wanna get a t-shirt, the dvd and the videogame! 1337 r 1337 @ than 1337flakes. Especially kafrin! From 1337 no1 1337 fan.
Stevo: They're the greatest thing invented by man since brown bread? or the microwave?
Jack: Now playing music!
If you'd like to say something about us, good or bad, then just e-mail us, or MSN us, or e-mail us, and ask for one of our MSN, then MSN one of us!
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