Dwight Yoakam, Metaphysics Nickola Tesla, the persuit of a holier communion with God, alternative healing, meditating, Reiki. Recycling clothing. World culture. The time space continuim.
I have been fortunate to here in the world where if there is any way you can possibly lie about your looks, occupation or life, it can easily & convincingly can be done, I have been fortunate to have met many kindred spirits & can not imagine anyone more beautiful than the souls I have already met.
But God is mysterious like that.Speak the truth or peddle your garbage elsewhere.You get what you give, but you also get what you allow yourself to receive.
adopt your own virtual pet!
Live, Cocteau Twins, 3 Doors Down, Evanesence, Adam Ant, yadda yadda
Spooky but not gorey, Old Hollywood horror, Superheroes, comic book icons, historical events, controversies, head scratchers, side splitters, testosterone pumpers. Just keep the chick flicks, bleauk!
History, House, Deadwood, GHOSTHUNTERS, My Name is Earl, Jeopardy!
The Bible, Secret cults/organizations/information uncovered, Anne Rice Vampire Chronicals, Historical recollections, true stories, Natural healing,Tantra.
Jesus, Martin Luther, the man that invented laser hair removal, Kip Martin, Abraham Lincoln, DaVinci, The Pizz, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew,Christian Missionaries, My hubby, his daddy, Harry Houdini, Jean Cocteau, John Paul Gaultier, Dwight Yoakam, Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, Hank Williams, Buck Owens.