donazione da 50,00€ - in cambio:
1 CD con 3 brani: Dumb in the Mouth, un 128 bpm dance + la canzone experimental hip-hop I Got a Gun + lo scherzo divertente Whose Sample is This? 120 bpm, composti da Vincenzo Silvestroni ed eseguiti da Vinsil Mc Jagger
1 schizzo originale su carta
1 tavola a fumetti erotica tratta dall' Erotic Noir B-Movie on paper My Life in the Cuckold's Nest
1 stampa digitale su cartone (the bald child indica you) firmata in originale
50,00€ donation - in exchange:
1 CD with 3 tracks: Dumb in the Mouth, a 128 bpm dance + the experimental hip-hop song I Got a Gun + the musical joke Whose Sample is This? 120 bpm, written by Vincenzo Silvestroni and performed by Vinsil Mc Jagger
1 original sketch on paper
1 erotic comic sheet from the Erotic Noir B-Movie on paper My Life in the Cuckold's Nest
1 digital print (the bald child indica you) on cardboard signed in original
you can make a donation to Ram.Sil Comunication by clicking on the button above
Contact Box Generator
Samuele Contarini
VinSil's aRt
VinSil's XXX aRt
Ossi di Nebbia
25x35cm : acrylic (red) + inks + pencil on cotton paper 350gr
Vinsil Mc Jagger - VMcJ.) Vinsil Acoustic
Vinsil.Manager'Space customized by VMcJ.)