Weekly discussion and support group for female-identified gay / lesbian / bisexual / transgendered / 2-spirited / queer / questioning folks.
Come check it out!!!
All things LTBTTQ2!!
All things woman-positive!!
Lesbians, bisexuals, queers, transgendered folks, 2-spirited folks, newcomers to Toronto, newcomers to Canada, people with your colour of skin, friend! Muslims / Hindus / Jews / Buddhists / Christians / Atheists / Taoists / Sikhs / Pagans / Rastafarians / Scientologists / Agnostics / followers of any other belief system, Ugandan / Korean / Ukrainian / Portuguese / Chilean / Iranian / Senegalese / Chinese / Italian / Nicaraguan / Canadian / Lebanese / Icelandic / Russian / Colombian / South African / Croatian / any other nationalitied folks.
Anyone who wants to share, learn, and grow together.