Photo Player's long story began in 1973 in the trenches of Vietnam. Jesse, Jones and Jordan were all newly drafted soldiers trying to defeat the evil communist empire. Sometimes in their camp (which was managed by colonel K. Trout), Jesse would play some folk songs on a "guitar" made from bamboo sticks and human hair. Jones and Jordan would often join-in and play along with pots and pans. But sadly, when the war was over they all went their separate ways...
Jesse went on to become a world re-known physicist, working in the field of nuclear physics. He was awarded a Nobel price for producing cold fusion while working at the University of Utah in the late eighties. Jones on the other hand, became the first Canadian born Nascar racer to win the Daytona 500 in 1995. He had to retire early because of an accident in the 2001 Championship. Jordan worked as a marine biologist for almost thirty years. He discovered over 200000 new animal species in the Arctic ocean, the most famous of these being the Tamakuku. The Tamakuku is mammal that lives 4000 feet below the surface and survives by eating the methane produced by its own digestive system.
Thirty something years later, Jesse, Jones and Jordan decided to get back together and write music. Their main inspirations are still; their hatred for communism and their love for pots and pans.