I have a HUGE Vocabulary!!My Mom is always trying to get me to say "I LOVE YOU" Like the Pug in the Movie I posted from YOUTUBE- BUT I HATE IT, I wish she would stop trying, but I want the treat- so I give it a 1/2 attempt so she will quit bugging me to say it. Most people DONT believe my mom when she says I CAN UNDERSTAND YOU, but after a few minutes- YOU WILL BE A BELIEVER too!
List of words and phrases I know- "Look at the T.V.","Go to Bed", "Go lay down",Dog,Cat/Kitty(I like them) Ducks(they are cool too),"Theres is a Bird or Squirl outside"(i hate those damn things)"Go get your Toy","do you want a Bone/Treat","Want to take a bath?"(YESSSS,love those)Stop, "Just Wait","Your gonna get a Spank",Hot,Cold,Go,Bed,"Wanna go to the Post Office"(love going there)I LOVE ALOT of things!!
- Car Rides- My Baby Kitty Miso- GREENIE BONES!!!- Just a teenie bite of what EVER your eating is fine, as long as it doesnt have cinnamon on it(yuck)
I have a Strong attitude sometimes, which makes me mad when I dont get my way, I SPIN IN CIRCLES kinda growling to let my mom know I mean biz, but she just laughs at me. If I'm really bad and she has to give me a Spank, then i always try to bite her....lol Which I find to be funny. If my Mom yells at my baby sister, Miso- I think its funny and I smile. I have been told I have an Elvis smile, as only one side goes up.....:)
Myspace Graphics
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Myspace Graphics
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I like it when my Mom sings to me, and LOVE it when she picks me up and holds me when shes dancing- FUN!!
Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Pink & Brown
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