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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I is what I is! I am a writer, I play basketball, kick it with my friends and like to joke around and laugh a lot. I love music,rap/hip hop, classic rock, reggae, folk, R&B. Any thing with good lyrics.Check this out It's either I am here or am not/Broke as fuck Knowledge/less/not! Plotting my rise to the top/ going blow-up on this Rap shit/ I got rhymes like my name was Chris Wallace/ Tallest/ dude u ever seen w/ a mic/ spitting Vengence/while others try and fight/w/ what I got/I am the man they fear like I was Mike Myers and this was a scarey movie!Mike Mendez taught me how to have the mind set mang/ Mental toughness was the way to surive mang/ Not ever giving up mang/ Like Too Short said only the strong surive yeah mang/ In the end don't matter what you live as long as you got a family and kids/Dam I ain't got much left to give my dayz are short lived/ the police on my back waiting for me to fuck up/Then I will end up locked in a cell this is hell/no way out till the judge gives me a sentence/relentless I end up losing wait inside cause the food ain't edible/despite what they say about the weight gain/I lose-it/I can't eat this shit they feed us/taste like rat fecease/ It's like I am in a concentration camp the food is wack and little so I lose about 80 pounds!But fuck it I serve my time/come out alive ready to get my life back/on the inside all I did was read to pass time/barely got by with out going MAD/some times I spoke rhymes at bed time to show other inmates I had more fowl than they could control/or muster up/yo!/they kept saying whiteboys can't rap and calling me B-Rad/But I proved them wrong and they showed me love/cause you can't hate on something so great/ Like ILL-G/thats me Crazier than Nutso in Above the Rim/but I didn't die I lived!
About Me
Name: Willam Arlen Gates
Birthdate: 4/18/1981
Birthplace: santa clara ca
Current Location: a place called home
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: blonde
Height: 6'9"
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: euro mutt
Your Weakness: my hand writting
Your Fears: the dark after a bad dream
Goal you would like to achieve this year: get off of probation
Thoughts when first waking up: it was just a dream
Your best physical feature: my eyes
Your bedtime: 10 or 11
Your most missed memory: high school basketball
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
Mcdonalds or Burger King: Mcdonalds
Showers or baths: Showers
Lipton Ice tea or Nestea: both
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or coffee: Coffee
Do you smoke: no
Do you drink: use too.
Do you swear:
Do you sing: nope
Have you ever been drunk: yes sir
Do you believe in yourself: yes sir
What is your career choice: Proffessor
Do you get motion sickness:
Do you think you're attractive: yes sir
Are you a health freak: kind of
How many siblings do you have: 2
Do you get along with parents: i think so
&..39;Do you get along with other members of your family:' yeah
Do you play an instrument: nope
Ever been in trouble with the law: yes
What is your dream vacation: Jamica or India
Ever been called a tease: god no
In the past month have you...........:
Smoked: nope
Got drunk: nope
Done drugs: nope
Eaten a box of Oreos: nope
Gone to the mall: yep
Went skinny-dipping: nope
Been on a date: nope
Shoplifted: nope
Eaten sushi: yes sir
Been on a diet: nope
Had a really really really bad day: yes
Dating Game.......
Staus: single
What was your longest relationship: a week
How long have you been single: years
Are you a virgin: nope
Do you want to get married: sure
Do you see marriage in the next 5 years: nope
Do you want kids: yes
If so, how many: as many as possible
Your own or adoption: both
Do you believe in love at first sight: maybe
Do you enjoy thunderstorms: sure
Where's your ideal area to live: california
Do you move in before or after marriage: before
Anyone from your past you regret not taking a chance on: maybe
Do you like animals: yes
Dream Boy/Girl.......
Favorite eye color: blue
Favorite hair color: brown
Favorite hair length: long
Favorite body part: face
Pet Peeves: smokers
Fetishes: I pass
Preferred height: anything at 5'4" or above
Preferred physique: cruvy
Virgin or not: doesn't matter as long as she is healthy
5 qualities you wish they'd posses: kind,giver,chill,fun,romantic
How many dates for a kiss: doesn't matter
How many dates before sex/making love doesn't matter
On a scale of 0-10 (10 being the most desired)
How important are looks: 7
How important is personality: 9
How important is it for them to have goals: 8
How important is their sex appeal: 7
How important is their culture/race: 6

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

my soulmate!

My Blog

tyraid of the soul

Being alone with/out being loved by another/is hard painful/empty/then I see her face in my dreams/her beauty/soft lips/soft touch/dreams of herin my sleep/with her in my arms/ her long dark hair/ red...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 19:15:00 GMT

the end, my end!

Tired of being on Probation and not even seening my PO to change my the Prereamaters so I can see and talk to my family!Tired of being broke unable to get a Job in my line of work becasue my record!Ti...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 19:14:00 GMT


what I've been through don't mean shit if I just give up and throw it all away/If I gave up the life I live would be pointless/and no longer priceless/ I've walked away from the American scheme/ Now I...
Posted by on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 15:13:00 GMT

Bumb Deal

Since I was a youngest I was in/and/out of trouble/seems like I sold my soul to the Fucking Devil/ I got the Raw end of the deal/So I got no soul with nothing to benifit me/I will burn in eternal damn...
Posted by on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 15:44:00 GMT

My life what it's like!

My life did a 180 in a matter 3 months I hit the ground and now I am helping myself back up. Last year I hit the ground hard five times. 3 times with 52/50, One surgey and locked up in a Cell for 75 d...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 19:48:00 GMT

my evolution in 2006

I went to county jail for 75 days of hell that seemed never would end/2006 was the worst year of my life barely got out alive/ I lost my mind for a while and was having vision of my past/I still survi...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 18:05:00 GMT

pain of a friend

Drunk in the night/ my boys be getting to highfe/ sounding stupid and trying to fight/me/ anger comes out/ of the empty hurt they feel/ you don't know how to help'em/ when it's you that is being ...
Posted by on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 18:40:00 GMT


Tired of being Lonely so I am wishes that I would just Die/ I don't get high anymore so I can't Numb the pain/ never going to be anything in life/ accept a fuck-up/ so I give up/ I got no heart Left/ ...
Posted by on Sat, 29 Jul 2006 16:33:00 GMT

Wack ass Freetype

No one would care if I died/ so many fuckers been unkind to my kind/ Can't wait to the end of time/ no longer blind seeing through all the lies/ Fuck Mankind/ running out of time/ no rewind when the ...
Posted by on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 20:52:00 GMT

My dream for a better Humanity

I am Just an average man, going to school to get my Degree/ with out husslaing or being a G/ not trying to end up like a guy called West. I am a poetic. I love life and all it's beauties. I am working...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Jan 2006 21:37:00 GMT