Sewing,tailoring, re-desinging and making garments fit just right. I'm always looking for new ideas.
Men, Women and Children. If you shop at department stores, and most of us do, not everything fits the way you want it to. So, the next stop is Me. Sewing, Alteration, Tailoring. Make new ones or add new ideas to old outfits so that you can look and feel your best. src=" 500&aid=176052" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="445" height="230" wmode="transpsrc=" .swf?u=172357500&aid=176052" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="445" height="230" wmode="transparent" arent"
Drama, Mythology, Mystery, Action, comedy.
CNN, FOX News, keeping up with the days event.
The BIBLE, The best book in th world.
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