gina profile picture


you'll hold my hand.

About Me

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i like good writing and good food and lots of sunlight.

My Interests

books so good i miss them when they're over. fashion photography from the 1950s and 1960s. tropical plants. stunning conversationalists. spicy peppers. high threadcount sheets. panoramic views. coffee with cream and no sugar. aveda "plant waxing." i like nature, but i don't like "roughing it." and i'm interested in how things got to be the way they are. that 5,000 year old bowl of noodles they found in china last year blows my mind. also, the snake with feet.


oh, you know.


the darjeeling limited is currently my favorite movie. a pox on anyone who didn't like it.


"invisible cities" by italo calvino might be my all-time favorite book ever written, but i'm not sure. i like a lot of books, and i've been on a real non-fiction kick for ages. recommended non-fiction: the family that couldn't sleep, animals in translation, naked city, hospitality under the influence.


my grandma EB.