==" target="_blank"href="
yb2NoYXJtLmNvbQ==" target="_blank"What are my Interests? Heck, that isn't hard to think about: Shopping (FOR MOSTLY SUNGLASSES and PURSES,...MY ABSOLUTE FAVORITE!!), spending $$$, partying,spending time with the Fam.,MMA Events, and I love to gamble, of runs in the family!!
Whomever wants to meet me...,,,But I have the love of life already!!!
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Country, Electronic, Techno, Pop, 90's!!! Love it all!!
I am not really a movie person, and I don't really remember any movies unless I really enjoyed the movie.
American Idol,UFC,Discovery Health and Court T.V late at night while I am in bed.
I never read any books, but I love magazines, gossip ones..U know: US Weekly, Life and Style..those ones.
I would have to say my Heroes are my parents. I say that because they have been a rock for me. They have both built such a solid foundation for me,they have taught me so much and raised me to be who I am today...If you ask me, (haha)..they did a pretty good job..and for that, I love them so much.