My biggest one is chillin with my friends. Anatomy/Biology, hope to be a doctor one day. Playing spades so if there are any spades players out there drop me a line. All the standard stuff relaxing, reading, tv, movies, music. I like to hit the clubs every once in a while. I also like sleeping, sleeping is good.
Myspace Zodiac Graphics
Real people and not people tryin to get me to check out their nude pics on some website or tryin to get me to buy into some promtoion grabbage or some such other crap.
A variety of things. Mostly Reggaeton followed by Hip Hop/Rap. But I like Classical, Jazz, Rock, some 80's metal, Techno, House/Club, and folk music of different cultures. Eclectic huh?
Mostly comedy and action. Wedding Singer, Old School, Half Baked, Happy Gilmore and Aliens, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Desperado, Once Upon a Time in Mexico, Spider-Man, Braveheart, Saving Private Ryan, Gladiator just to name a few.
Adult Swim its the funniest thing ever. Resue Me is great. Heros rocks as well.
Fantasy novels what can i say I'm a bit of a dork.
My Mom, and Batman