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red trakpants

About Me

jack-ass ashes sprinkled over the carpet- ricky's fell flaming from rooftops- certain kinds of modulations occurred- tears flowed at twin sibling birthday parties- rented a drum-set-- sped up handrecorder aggregrate- almost turned trolly master- bird incident- teenage fusspot- janitor swept our gear mid-song- an amplified liver- went on uppa glenleg- i aint talking no jim varney now- plans to return to armoir peninsula-water pets drawn, dried, and drawn again- consumption driven panic- water buffalo roamed- eaves troughs were gently nestled in bed- beloved families, drawn in various states of depression and crucifixion- i just wanna look at him- tanagrams went chinese- eaves troughs teetered upon- potential faggots warned against possible conversion attempts by maternal commandos-
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RED TRAKPANTS AT BAR ST LAURENT2-"Virgil:the only information"

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Member Since: 25/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: the polish james brown, mickie, the equal, neon bruno, gander beeve, youthquake, the crippler, manglepuss, lambourghini, young connie, r.j. broadhead, iron poodle, wandy, reginald denny, petearmface ( a.k.a the gyrator) ricky tackle, loureedmighigimptall, a certain individual with an architectual anamoly in his skull, bernice the water buffalo, satan's pony.
Influences: navigational devices, madrigals, hearty hand-shakes, r.j. broadhead(s), rudeness, extravagantly large bowel movements had by possibly mentally ill acquaintances, disease, the award winning film "ernest gets a colonoscopy", getting a colonoscopy, falsehoods, enlightenment via booster cables, foreskin generating devices, insides of bodies, convoluted methods of keeping nanny-bo-jay away, slime reconciliation, sod huts, drunken + abusive relatives, kyle davis' chlorine drenched whimpers, leg calls, football, fractions of handjobs, misapplied topical cream, gold bond medicated itch powder, my boy satan.
Sounds Like: existential devestation. not making it in the real world.
Record Label: Capohedz, Marko Pusse

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