\\\\\\|~Short-Stuff~|////// profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

oii oii... hows every1 duin!?hate wrinting these stupid arse things... neways... im 21 from nr leeds... working as an electrician...love going out wi mates.... basically every weeknd and get proppa pissed up.otherwise we will be aving a kick about or chillin out listenin to music.laters!

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My Interests

music... anything realli mostly indie music all sports but ov course bin english football only game worth playing.. unless ur dubes... he shud just quit..! oh and last but probs most frequent of the all... getting proppa shitfaced with mates...

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I'd like to meet:

Probs oasis.. legends!Well... apart from the obvious fit birds...


oasis, killers,razorlight,stone roses, snow patrol etc u no who they are!!


mean machine, the rockys obviously every1 loves em, scarface, casino, lock stock, football factory, godfather, this is england, outlaw, the anchorman, the business, fight club, superbad, rise of the foots soldiers etc too many to name!


family guy.... quality! everybody loves raymond ... funny as

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Posted by \\\\\\|~Short-Stuff~|////// on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 11:28:00 PST