Hellbound Pirates profile picture

Hellbound Pirates

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello there,
We are a Belgium based suspension-group, with members based all around Antwerp. Our goal is to set up shows for public viewing pleasure and give the opportunity of hanging to other people.
Suspension, in big lines, is the hanging the body from hooks pierced into the flesh (it sounds more scary than it actually is). It is mostly done for pleasure due to the endorphine and adrenaline rush your body gets from doing it. Endorphines and adrenaline are drugs produced by the body when it is in a state of pain, thus a long and heavy suspension can lead to a endorphine rush quite similar to some effects that some synthetic drugs give.
There are many styles of suspension, like:
Suicide suspension: One of the most common is hanging the body with 2 to 4 hooks placed in the upper back region.
Oh-Kee-Pah suspenion: A much harder one to take! With this suspension the hooks are placed (mostly 2 to 4) in the chest area.
Superman: The name says it all, doesn't it?? This is a full body suspension with hook placement on the back body, legs and arms so the body suspends horizontally. The amount of hooks goes from 6 to lots, most of the time in between 8 - 14.
Coma: Same as superman, except the hooks are placed in the front of the body, making it a more daring suspension.
Lotus: This is type is done seated in the lotus position, the hooks are placed in all parts of the body so it can be suspended this (seated) way.
There are a lot more types of suspending the body, for more info I'd recommend reading the BME suspension FAQ .

Pulling is another way to get the endorphines flowing. It is quite similar to suspension except that the body isn't up in the air, but stays down. It is also done with hooks, but the rope is attached to solid structures, other 'pullers',... With this form the 'puller' can have more control over the situation, what sometimes can be hard during regular suspensions where you have to learn to 'set free'. For more info on this you can refer BME suspension FAQ .

If you are interested in hanging yourself, more info or booking for a show, do not hesitate to contact us via mail

My Interests

Support us, here are some banners!!


I'd like to meet:

Lintfabriek suspension Gathering 2006