TAKO LAKO profile picture


About Me

Raise your hands and start the count! The Danish and Nordic winners of the world's largest main-stream rock competition for upcoming bands, 'Tako Lako' (directly translated to 'that easy' from Serbian) is conquering the rock and world-music stages of Denmark. With high energy to boot and a musical style crossing multiple genres, including pop, rock, hip-hop and balkan, they are undeniably a tour de force to be reckoned with.
Tako Lako's daring and innovational fusion of popular musical styles abounds in ingenious solutions and sudden turnovers which has proved to please every party-loving crowd time and time again: as the Tako Lako motto goes, 'Once our sound bursts through your senses on the dance-floor, there really is no turning back...' For everyone who has had the chance to witness them in action, there is no arguing otherwise.
Through their wacky musical contradictions and self-ironic approach to their performances, Tako Lako have been praised for their euphoric gigs which move not only your feet but also your soul. On stage they are lead by the vigorously energetic lead-singer Ognjen Curcic, who is sure to inspire through his gibberishly ironic lyrics and insane, hard-core rock attitude. Try standing still to that kind of show...
Tako Lako are currently working on their first EP which is set for release in April 2009 on CD, Vinyl and Digital Download. The band's members are: Malene Brask (clarinetist and saxophonist), Søren Stensby Hansen (violinist), Andreas Broby Jensen (accordionist), Philip Zubin Køppen (bassist), Mark Falgren (drummer), Kristian Paulsen (percussionist) and Ognjen Curcic (vocalist).
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Energisk og innovativt. Dybt originalt og en lille smule skørt. Verdensmusik, jovist, men tilsat en god del hiphop, rock, pop og balkan - krydret med humor og nerve.
På serbisk betyder gruppens navn noget i retning af ’hvor svært kan det være?’. Men selvom Tako Lakos sprængfyldte balkanpop lyder legende let, når det otte mand stærke band pumper af sted med Ognjens teatralske operakanon af et stemmeorgan i forreste række, skal man ikke tage fejl af kunsten. Tako Lako er i fuld færd med at erobre de danske rock- og world-music scener, og med deres storladne energi og unikke hybrider er der intet, der kan holde dem tilbage.
Tako Lakos musik er en stor størrelse. Hvor bandet oprindeligt satsede på at give den østlige sigøjnermusik et moderne præg via stramme, rockede beats, har deres musik nu gennemgået en markant make-over. Deres anden EP, som står til udgivelse i april 2009, vil blande pop og electronica med hiphop og balkan, som det aldrig er gjort før på dansk grund. Et vovet skridt i en ny retning, som har vist sig at bære stor succes med sig, hvorend Tako Lako har spillet koncerter.
Netop på live-scenen har bandet høstet allerstørst anerkendelse, hvor de sammenlignes med bands som Gogol Bordello, Balkan Beat Box og norske Kaizers Orchestra. Fest, farver og forhøjet blodtryk er fast inventar, når Tako Lako fyrer op for deres euforiske live-shows; og med deres selvironiske tilgang til lyrik og performance betragtes de som en af undergrundens vildeste og mest nyskabende upcoming bands.
Bandet blev dannet i 2006 og har siden spillet et hav af koncerter overalt i Danmark – over 30 i 2008 alene. Højdepunkterne tæller optrædener ved Vesterbrofestival i Øksnehallen, Danish World Awards i Jazzhouse, en Danmarkstour og Fairfælled Festivalen i Fælledparken. Tako Lakos største bedrift var at vinde den danske og skandinaviske finale i verdens største rockkonkurrence for upcoming bands, Emergenza Festivalen 2008 - en sejr der sendte bandet til Taubertal-festivalen i Tyskland, hvor de opnåede en 7. plads i den internationale finale og prisen for ’World’s Best Drummer’.

My Interests


Member Since: 3/25/2007
Band Website:

Band Members: CONTACT:

Mail: [email protected]

Mail: [email protected]


MALENE BRASK (clarinet, saxophones)





KRISTIAN PAULSEN (perc. / programming)


Former shows

Stengade 30 - 30/5 09
Gimle - 23/5 09
Wedding - 23/5 09
Templet - 22/5 09
Global - 16/5 09
KarriereKanonen, Lille Vega - 14/5 09
KarriereKanonen, Fermaten - 21/3 09
Café Kino - 14/3 09
Late Night Lørdag, Nørrebro Teater - 7/3 09
Operaen - 28/02 09
Rust - 24/1 09
Global - 20/12 08
Gimle - 13/12 08
Jazzhouse, World Music Awards - 22/11 08
Private Party - 22/11 08
Stengade 30 - 13/11 08
Vesterbro Kulturhus, DFUNK Festival - 8/11 08
Posten Odense - 18/10 08
Studenterhuset Aalborg - 17/10 08
Fælledparken - 10/10 08
Stengade 30 - 4/10 08
Station - 24/9 08
Caféteatret - 19/9 08
Rust - 12/9 08/
Wedding - 30/8 08
Fælledparken, Fair Trade Festival - 17/8 08
LO, Islandsbrygge - 16/8 08
Taubertal Open Air Festival, International Emergenza Finals, Germany - 9/8 08
Private Party - 22/6 08
Operaen, Christiania - 20/6 08
Øksnehallen, Vesterbro Festival - 6/6 08
Debaser Medis, Nordic Emergenza Finals, Stockholm, Sweden - 1/6 08
Store Vega, Emergenza Finals - 3/5 08
Café Kino - 25/4 08
Huset i Magstræde, Balkan Filmfestival - 19/4 08
Egmont Kollegiet - 12/4 08
Park Café - 5/4 08
Lille Vega, Emergenza Semi-Finals - 19/3 08
Studenterhuset CPH, releaseparty - 21/3 08
Rust - 1/3 08
Kulturhuset Indre By 29/2 08
Stengade 30 - 26/2 08
Vesterbro Kulturhus, Ungdomskulturfestival - 15/2 08
Stengade 30 - 5/1 08
Wedding 25/9 07
The Rock 12/9 07
Støberiet 6/9 07
Global, Bag Jerntæppet - 4/5 07
Global, World Music Festival - 14/4 07
Skt. Annæ Gymnasium - 5/3 07
Café Retro - 12/12 06
Skt. Annæ Gymnasium - 13/10 06
Private Party - 28/9 06
Private Party - 15/7 06
Private Party - 29/6 06

Sounds Like: ...ROKENROL, JEBOTE!

Record Label: None

My Blog

Balkan Beat Party - May

The dates are set - the second Balkan Beat Party will be held at Stengade 30 on May 30th from 9pm - 5am! Be prepared for a seriously intense live show; with a line-up including ourselves, cult Serbian...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 06:23:00 GMT

We're through to the main round in KarriereKanonen!

It has just been announced that we are through to the main round in KarriereKanonen! Check our KarriereKanonen profile for regular updates regarding our main showcase in April.http://www.dr.dk/P3/karr...
Posted by on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 09:28:00 GMT

- - - Release Party @ Studenterhuset Copenhagen - MOVED - - -

We are counting the days....Our new EP is knocking on the door. Don't miss this great opportunity to get this amazing CD! The event has been moved until the beginning of June - so keep an eye out for ...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 13:14:00 GMT

Tako Lako selected for KarriereKanonen P3

Tako Lako has been selected to play at this years KarriereKanonen, organised by the Danish National Radio P3 and Roskilde Festival. Our first showcase will be in March. Learn more: (in Danish only)dr....
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 13:06:00 GMT

Tako Lako in the Studio + EP Tracklist

Hi everyone!We're currently in the Lydkraft studio in Odense recording our first EP, which is set for release in March. It sounds incredible so far; so be prepared for some Tako Lako greatness next mo...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Feb 2009 07:19:00 GMT

Interview with Tako Lako about the Emergenza Festival at www.mymusic.dk - In Danish only

Tako Lako tells about their experiences with Emergenza.Please go to http://www.mymusic.dk/redaktion/artikel.asp?id=3144 to read the interview.
Posted by on Sat, 16 Aug 2008 05:06:00 GMT

Tako Lako - Epic Drum Solo

Posted by on Sun, 04 May 2008 05:53:00 GMT

Very fine review at Mymusic

Please check out this review of some of the cd-tracks...http://www.mymusic.dk/redaktion/artikel.asp?id=2 845
Posted by on Sun, 02 Mar 2008 06:01:00 GMT

Tako Lako @ Roskilde Festival?

Do you want to hear Tako Lako at this year's Roskilde Festival?Then press the link and vote!Click here/ Tryk her
Posted by on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 03:37:00 GMT


Check out this fine review! ;) http://www.diskant.dk/Anmeldelser/Koncertanmeldelser/2007-Ko ncerter/September2007/130907-TakoLako-TheRock.htm
Posted by on Sun, 16 Sep 2007 16:54:00 GMT