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survey bout me
Created by shawatay and taken 3 times on Bzoink
BouT Me
name justin lucas.
nickname/s joostin.
age 19
birthday july. 22. 1986.
sign cancer.
siblings/ages yeahh. 20. 20. 26. 24. 5.
pets yes. jason.
heritage itailan. english.
name dutchess comunity college.
fave subject history.
colors black. ohio.
mascot billy the cracked up crack head.
grade no grades.
sport dodge ball.
color ohio.
number 87.
season/weather fall/cloudyish. dusk actually.
country japan.
type of music whatever i like duh.
band HIM.
song i dont have a favorite song.
More bout me
right/lefty right.
short/tall short.
hot/ugly ugly. hot.
glasses/contacts need. it.
religion buddism
HavE u EVa...
smoked yeah sure. yo mama.
drinked yes. with jasons mom.
drugs yes. with jeffs mom in her leather.
sex yes. with yo mama, jasons mama. and jeffs mama.
steal yea. jeffs virginity.
been fired no.
best all.
nicest ari.
coolest ari.
outgoing jason. jeff.
prettiest jeff.
athletic jason.
funniest matt.
loudest matt.
shyest tina.
wierdest jon paul.
crazyest ari.
ScrEEn NamEs
aim xxmuadxdibxx
msn no.
yahoo no.
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