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About Me

LaminatedCat1: MITTERNACHT
Alicat89907: she bugs me too about mitternacht.
Alicat89907: crap (She did not comply willingly)
MollyMangel: te quiero mitternacht
veggienewt: whats mitternacht?
Mexican Arbiter: heyo, how're ya? {Mitternacht}
ChippetyChimp: mitternacht mitternacht mitternacht
CATluver455: mitternacht...
cOCotINky: mitternacht
lyd1193: mitternacht
Wenn du mich von den Gottern trennst
Du bist mein Heiligtum
Du bist mein Licht im Raum
Du bist das Leben
Du bist der Fluch
Du bist das Omen
Romans 5:1-5 Rachel Flanagan --

A person of questionable sanity who starts their own cult
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at
Disorder Rating
Paranoid Personality Disorder : High
Schizoid Personality Disorder : Moderate
Schizotypal Personality Disorder : Very High
Antisocial Personality Disorder : High
Borderline Personality Disorder : Moderate
Histrionic Personality Disorder : High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder : High
Avoidant Personality Disorder : High
Dependent Personality Disorder : Moderate
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : Moderate
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Which American City Are You?

Your dark exterior masks a caffeine driven activism. You'll take up a cause and you'll get ugly to advance it.

Complete About Me:]
Full Name: Rachel Flanagan Moore
Height: 5 3ish. Short!
Birthday: February the 7th
Hair color: oh God. I used to be blonde. But then I realized that I'm a ginger. And I can't say that I'm rude and not ginger! It was heartbreaking.
Birthplace: Jackson Tennessee
School: Bexley High
Favorite Beverage: Water. Beyond that, Monster
Favorite Book: At the moment, The Book Thief or The Secret History
Favorite Holiday: I love any chance to celebrate! But probably mostly Halloween.
Favorite Movie: Currently, The Great Mouse Detective
Favorite board game: Pokemon monopoly. Or Balderdash
Favorite musical instrument: guitar. I don't play. But I enjoy it
Favorite shirt: Owned, communist party. But I want one that says "War is cool" and another that says "Bush 08".
Favorite pair of pants: jeans
Favorite phrase/word: Ridiculous
Favorite thing to do on the weekend: Not go to school
Favorite character trait: Brilliance
Favorite car: Blue Nissan Z
Favorite cartoon character: That one-armed guy from the Simpsons
Favorite actor: Johnny Depp, Cillian Murphy, and of course, the wonderful David Tennant
Favorite actress: Helena Bonham Carter.
Favorite Fast Food restaurant: Sonic or Chik-fil-a
Favorite month: Jew-lie
Favorite season: Autumn.
Least favorite character trait: unfriendliness
Have you and when?
Drank alcohol: Every Sunday
Broken the law: haha.
Ran away from home: Never actually
Broken a bone: Thankfully no
Cheated on a test: Art class freshman year, hahaha
Do you believe in….?
Love at first sight: Well duh.
Aliens: Flaming greys!
Horoscopes: No, but I read it every day. It gives me some motivation for the day
Ghosts: You would too.
Angels: I've met quite a few
Heaven: Hell yea
Hell: Heavens no
Yourself: What's a Rachel? Yes, yes, I really do!
Which is better?
Coke or Pepsi: Coke, but mountain dew (pepsi product) is better than coke
Oranges or Apples: You can't compare those two! It's like comparing... crap.
One pillow or two: uno
Winter or Summer Olympics: summer
College or Pro-sports: College. (OH!IO!)
Pools or hot tubs: A healthy mixture
Hot or cold: hot probably
Opposite sex…
What do you notice first?: Eyes or glasses
Most attractive feature: Face
Must-have personality trait: If they only had a brain
Hair color preference: Anything but blonde usually
Height preference: taller than me, because that's really hard
Things you hate about ‘em: incomprehension
Things you love about ‘em: Most things :]
Do you like to....?
Watch Bambi: wow! too long. I should see it again
Talk on the phone: When it's available
Say “thank you”: It's a hobby
Give someone a hug: As often as possible
Exercise: No, not really
Read a book for fun: All the time!
Punch someone: No, not really
Cry: Absolutely
Get a letter: It makes me feel special
Do you save emails?: Every single one. And I make folders for each person.
What is…?
Your most prized and important possession: My happiness :]
Your good luck charm: 7th Heaven pick necklace. I'm a big fan of luck.
Biggest pet peeve: stupididity
Your bedroom like?: Torn apart to do work. So my bedroom's really the den
Your biggest accomplishment: I could use a few of those
Your proudest moment: Realizing that my friends care about me very much
Your biggest fear: Heights and the people I love being hurt
Your family like: Crazy, and I love them
Song that describes you most: Beautiful by Bethany Dillon (I swear, I'm not that arrogant, listen to the song?)
Your greatest talent: Hopefully helping people
Your most humiliating moment: pass
Has it easier, guys or girls?: guys. and I'm not saying that just cause I'm a girl. I know plenty of guys who think that too
Best love song: Love Song by The Cure
Best dance song: Shake It by Metro Station
Marriage?: What about it? At some point, probably
A future family?: I'd like it
Future sons’ names: Jon, Liam, Cyrus
Future girls names: Kristin
What has made you cry the most: Lost people
What do you want to be when you grow up?: A youth pastor
Worst movie you have ever seen?: Rosemary's Baby. My God. It was terrible.
Person you wish dead: Nobody really
If you could go back in time, where would you go, and why?: 80's. Live a little. Happy times.
How many cds do you have in your collection: None. But I certainly don't illegally download music. At all. Ever.
What color sheets do you have on your bed: Striped white and blue?
Are you proud of yourself: Absolutely
Chocolate or vanilla ice cream: Vanilla usually
Do you like…?
to drive?: when I do
Thunderstorms scary or cool: the perfect mixture
Best job ever had: Babysitting. Kids are great
Favorite flower: Indian Paintbrush
How many rings do you let the phone ring before picking up?: As soon as I can get to the phone I pick it up
Do you get motion sickness?: nope
What is under your bed at home: Dead people
Roller coasters: ahhhh. not really going with my fear of heights
Pen or pencil: pens. pencils suck.
What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning?: I hate doorbells.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anybody on my heroes list.
Friends, or friendly people. I really enjoy people who listen.

My Blog

Boats, disguise, and metaphors

So I have this friend (no names involved of course). I decided to create a metaphor for her. And I liked it. So here it is.So there's this river. God, what a cliched metaphor. Look past the clichednes...
Posted by on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 22:12:00 GMT

Romans 5:1-5

He looked at meSlumped in the corner.What's wrong ma'am?And so I began: Sometimes my thoughts betray meHate me.Faith? Please.Oh sure, God, you claim to be all.Then why is it that all around us people ...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 20:30:00 GMT

Another Taste of Insanity

There was once a piece of paper that held tales of sorrow and regret, a forgotten friendship, and a hurting heart. To let the pain go, this page was torn apart, little bits still readable. Last night ...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 21:28:00 GMT

I'll take you for who you are, if you'll take me for everything

When a person is asked what they most want out of a relationship or friendship, they will often respond with "I just want someone who loves me for who I am."I am not one of these people.You see, I wou...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 23:21:00 GMT


Obsession, slowly pursuing the mind's entrails. Overtake your thoughts, here, now victims of possesion. This is my confession, the overtaking obsession, Passionate aggression. Oh, but the lasting impr...
Posted by on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:43:00 GMT

Rant for June 4th :D

Mkay, patriotism is not "blind ignorance". It's supporting your country, through thick or thin, with good leaders and with not so great. It was that support that helped us to create this amazing count...
Posted by on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 07:04:00 GMT

Terrified of what's Inside

Incense making me Insane.Suffocatingly sweet, stealing the senses, softening the screams. Seeking solace in this Sanctuary.Calming, yet with that sense of danger. Any moment...Oh Insanity, failing me?...
Posted by on Tue, 08 May 2007 18:45:00 GMT

Poem-two voiceish

It's always been okay to cry To let the tears creep down your face. To look tomorrow in the eye, I can take you. You can't be worse than yesterday. Yesterday? Let's not go there, You whisper, head dow...
Posted by on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 04:23:00 GMT

Crazy talk. I don't need sleep

Lies. bwahaha. I had a good day. But now I'm all... you know. not good. I think I may go paint my nails some hideous shade of purple. Just to piss you off. Because I'm different. Hey guys. Look at tha...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 18:44:00 GMT

One of the reasons that I love Ali

  Italy is a funny country, and people have always liked to torment it. This probably dates back to Rome's decline, when the rest of the ancient world was laughing its head off because the suave,...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 19:21:00 GMT