THE WEEKEND CREW<..big>the names jess.
i love to party and have fun . i am in love with the awesomest guy in the world. his name is pete.<3 i never knew that butterflies could fly in my tummy 24/7.
i have a dream.. to own my own del taco.
my idol is piglet.I go to CSN..yeah i am a collEGE gIRL!! WHOOT WHOOT!!
sOME pEOPLE thiNK I am a BITCH! lol!! i AM just honeST!!
i live in an oven, named las vegas. (yes, my oven has a name.)
i'm not a square.. but a star.
my fuse is this long -> _ that's it.
in my world everything is pink.
if you don't like it... then move out of my world.. or just die. either way works.. i don't really care, my world is still pink.
& always remember, you gotta fight.. for your right.. to paaaaaaaaaaaartay.©