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I am here for Networking

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Wild, blue, and being there are about the only things I am always. I am a poet, I am a foreigner, really, as in: I live 4457.8 miles away from the place I was born. I do not remember my dreams if not for the quality of the shadows they form in the corner of my eyes the next day; irritating, really! as something that I know I am about to forget to do. I have questions, that, as the years pass, I unfortunately tend to answer. Good thing that with age, memory forgets open its gates and with the sorrow of days gone so flee the answers and time it is again to try new solutions, or, at best, form new riddles.
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Pomp and Happenstance @ Edit Red

Oh God by the thousands namesoh God by the thousands names and one only finger pointed back at Yourself You, round, circular, a vertical vertebra and a blade without sentiment or doubt but the transgressing statement that curves at the sole uprooting kingdoms and laws and dissolving the margins past which, is wine the grout mid You and us,are the words meant for You no more weak than the strength of mortar, the unbreaking bending of the bamboo cane, the iron sword that twists a people,or the light that penetrates the twilight and shrivels it before exploding from within?You with Your skill of disguise Are balmier, slyer and far more ferocious than all of the above and yet You do not come but as a gust of wind, a sigh breathing in efflorescence the memory of a bell that toll for resurrectiona game of card played as a solitaire or the other way around.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

poets, and singers who can sing them. Or vice versa. People with whom to work on new projects, in other words.I said you are going aren't you I'll wait at the corner I said I'll spread this palms of roads and hands with flowers taken at the funeral home death is crying out its own name its body as fresh and combed as that one of a lover waiting beneath sheets nerveless bleeding ambrosia from its fingers it wasn't late, there was time except the fever was thickening thoughts and saliva at a forbidden speed she said but death is crying out its name and we as we climb down the stairs awaken pained have a lot to explain to the bell tolling for the unknown I cry out it's red, you don't listen you walk, the car stops one inch away from the unfolding of your shadow curls of bewilderment pass me through as electricity my raincoat is bleeding your pain I run and run through fields of faded corn unaware of the filtering coolness at my ankles the sun doesn't shine to the ground someone cries I scream I was this close the flowers perceive of themselves that which wasn't there before they are crying looking at the withered petals that bleed a colorless death longing for a stem they long for life for time to step back before the crash

My Blog

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span.jajahWrapper { font-size:1em; color:B11196; text-decoration:underline; } a.jajahLink { color:000000; text-decoration:none; } span.jajahInLink:hover { background-color:B11196; }
Posted by on Fri, 09 May 2008 18:42:00 GMT

This is America

This is America This is America the immense space that is quickly contained on a rained dead end road w...
Posted by on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 23:21:00 GMT