Whitney Whyte is on ITUNES!!!! She is also currently touring! For booking information contact:
[email protected] Whitney started playing guitar in eighth grade and played in her school's talent show that same year. She spent her high school years writing music and recording her first demo. In college, at Baylor University in Texas, Whitney made friends with The David Crowder Band, who greatly inspired her to be more creative with her music and recordings. While she traveled throughout her university years (to Mexico, Boston, Nicaragua, and Europe), she spent her senior year recording Undone, an album produced by Will Hunt at Spaceway Studios in Dallas, Texas in March 2008. Since then, she has spent her time sharing the stories behind her music around the world, but especially in Denver. Whitney has performed for many shows and festivals including Save Darfur's 2007 Die-In Rally, Sky High Music Festival, Invisible Children, Omega Kids Benefit Show (opening for Dave Barnes and Andy Davis) and has traveled and played with Braddigan From Dispatch.To book a show or place an order, email
[email protected]
T-shirts(Black or Purple) are $15,
CDs are $7www.purevolume.com/whitneywhytewww.virb.com/whitneywhyteww