Myspace Layouts at / Fun Dots
Name: Samantha
Birthdate: 21 Oct
Birthplace: England
Current Location: England
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Ummmm not quite sure....Light brown?
Height: 5.6"
Weight: That woudl be telling
Piercings: Ears and belly
Tatoos: Rose on my lower Belly
Overused Phraze: I'm confused
Food: Ben N Jerry's Ice Cream
Candy: Dairy Milk
Number: 33
Color: Green
Animal: Dog
Drink: Alcohol
Alcohol Drink: White wine spritzer
Bagel: never really had one
Letter: S
Body Part on Opposite sex: Every where!!!
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: Diet Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: BurgerKing
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: Hot Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate all the way
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: again...Chocolate
Kiss or Hug: Kiss
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter: Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary
Love or Money: ummmm, Love, money isnt everything!!!
Bedtime: whenever i am tired
Most Missed Memory:
Best physical feature: get a few comments on the bum so i guess that....?
First Thought Waking Up: Crap i have work!!!
Goal for this year: be proactive in getting fit and studying....its not really going very well!!!
Best Friends: I have far to many people i love dearly to name them all!!!
Weakness: Love
Fears: Spider
Ever Drank: Often
Ever Smoked: Yes, i should give up
Ever been Drunk: YUP, very often
Ever been beaten up: been Punched
Ever beaten someone up: had a scrap with a few people but wouldn't say "beaten up"
Ever Skinny Dipped: Yup quite a few times!!!
Favorite Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Hair Color: Brown
Short or Long: Short
Height: Over 6 ft
Style: dont care as long as its not a mess
Looks or Personality: Both, i am very fussy!!!
Hot or Cute Hot
Drugs and Alcohol: Only the booze
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscles all the way!!!
Number of Regrets in the Past: None
What country do you want to Visit: all of them
How do you want to Die: having fun!!
Been to the Mall Lately: Yup today!!!
Do you like Thunderstorms: yer
Get along with your Parents: Yer most of the time
Health Freak: No
Do you think your Attractive: plain jane
Believe in Yourself: yup, if i dont who will!!!!
Want to go to College: no
Do you Smoke: yer
Do you Drink: yer
Shower Daily: of course
Been in Love: ggggrrrrrr yer!!!
Do you Sing: yes but badly
Want to get Married: no
Do you want Children: yup, one day in the far far future
Have your future kids names planned out: no
Age you wanna lose your Virginity: hahaha
Hate anyone: no, i pity alot of people though