About Me
IVÃN CASADO. Músico y productor electrónico poseedor de uno de los directos más potentes y auténticos de la escena nacional con su nombre artÃstico de PURE HEMP.Sus inicios como bajista (SÉSAMO STREET) y vocalista (ANTICAPITAL) se pueden rastrear en sus producciones dotadas siempre de una contundente base rÃtmica y envolventes melodÃas creadas a partir de sus Roland ,como han comprobado en festivales como SHUT UP & DANCE (Bratislava),ESPANTAPITAS (AlmerÃa),ELECTROSONIC 1ª3ªy4ªedicion(Burgos),
CUBUX (Burgos),PÃRAMO ELECTRONICA (Burgos),NOCHE BLANCA (Burgos) o en salas de conciertos como BEEKLUB y RITMO Y COMPÃS( Madrid ),BARRACA (Valencia),MOMA CLUB (León) o,ya en la provincia de Burgos,OROSCO,PEPE..S,SOL49,ALCHAMY o COLISEUM.
FINALISTA del concurso a nivel nacional Audiciones 09.
En su faceta más ambient y con el nombre artÃstico de ROLAND STONED participó en los Conciertos del Tablero de Ajedrez 2008 organizados por la UBU,creó una banda sonora original para el corto EMAK BAKIA (Man Ray) para el festival de Cine y Música del Aula de Cine Universitario de la UBU y puso banda sonora al documental GAMONAL(ES) producido por ESPACIO TANGENTE. Propietario en su dÃa de TRACK RECORDS,tienda de discos referente obligado por entonces para los djs burgaleses.
Como dj y bajo el alias de BIG BUD paseó su maestrÃa a los platos por los mejores clubs de la ciudad: MATINÉE –residente OMEGA,PITCH,BEAT...
Ivan Casado Manrique is Pure Hemp. in 1995 with 15 years decided to join in a rock band called Sesame Street(bass), half a year later joined the group as Anticapital(singer) . In 1996 begins to take an interest in electronic music and acquires its first electronic machine the Roland MC-303 with which it begins to produce its own sounds. In 1997, after the outbreak of Sesame Street and Anticapital, decided to integrate into the electronic scene in Burgos and present their live alone with their 2 Roland MC-303, coming to be part of the posters in the clubs most risky of the city and Province: Alchamy one of the first clubs in Burgos schedule of electronic music, Omega Club (Burgos), Orosco Club de Miranda de Ebro, Pepe's Hall of the Infants, Technoflash Melgar de Fernamental, and almost all places where it is scheduled this type of music, both in his hometown Burgos, as in the surrounding area, not only direct but also doing the dishes done with his DJ sessions as another alias Big Bud. In 2002 he had already shared the stage with international artists like Takaki Itoh (Japan) Terry Lee Brown or Marcus Store (Stockholm) and national and Pepo, Makoki, Wavesound, Josua, Kroma, and so on. Creator, initially, rhythmic atmospheres of Minimaltechno own, began to build with Roland MC-307 textures are closer to the tunes of Deep House and Breakbeat giving a sample of it at the Café de Burgos Marmedi and other rooms in the city . In March 2004, joins the collective Spiral Sonora participating in several events produced by that group. They emphasize their live performances in September at the 5th Festival of music, art and debate Espantapitas 2004 (Vera-Almeria) and its performance in October at the Festival Cubux 2004 on the occasion of its 10th anniversary celebrating the University of Burgos in the Exhibition Center the Milanera, sharing the stage with Fangoria. He also appeared live on June Electrosonic 2005. En Festival in November participated in the Music Film Festival 2005 (Burgos) With its own live music made especially for the short EMAK Baki, from Man Ray. (France, 1927). Dadaist fantasy objects, sights and actions of a female character and with only one intertÃtulo "the reason for this extravagance." Participation in the II and III Sample of spiral Sonora Electronic Music. Fiestas de San Pedro in June 2006 as a joint project with Two Biscuits Dj plastic in which the music of Ivan and his Roland Mc 909, are mixed with the plastic bases dj with electrohouse and minimal sounds and celebrations of St. Peter 2007 Hemp. La as Pure Folie-Valencia July 06, Barraca Valencia-July 2007 , Electrosonic Festival 2006, 2007 and 2008, Paramo Electronica I, II and III Edicion.Tablero Music (Burgos 2008) Acting for this special occasion, bringing sounds Hindus, 5th EDITION OF SHUT UP AND DANCE FESTIVAL ( BRATISLAVA ), BEEKLUB ( MADRID ) with Terence Fixmer and Lethargy, MOMA CLUB ( LEON ).....