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I am here for Friends

About Me

I am a 31 year old Northern bird who's lived in Fancy London Town for the last 8 years with my lovely husband-to-be Tom. We live in Ealing, West London with our 2 darling doggies - Danny (Rampling) and Lottie. Danny is the most well behaved dog in the world and Lottie is the naughtiest and also goes by the name of ASBO!!I'm a freelance Marketing Manager (ie I ponce about from one job to another) - permanent work scares me cos I like my holidays too much!!I spend most of my weekends dancing on the podium in Ministry, stuffing my face with veggie roasts and drinking wine, and stalking Jon Carter and Eric Prydz.I'm a bit of tree hugging vegetarian hippy type but at the same time I like the nice things in life (ie I have HMW tendencies!!)

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