>>MoniCa Is ThE CooLesT DorK U WiLL EveR MeeT...Love 2 SmiLe, LoVe 2 LauGh and LoVe 2 MakE PeoPle LauGh...WeaR My HeaRt on My SleeVe WhiCh is BoTh GooD and BaD...I'm EaSy-GoiNg, and I LoVe My JoB!...It MaKes My DaY 2 MaKe SoMeONe eLse SmiLe...AbSoLuTeLy Hate HaVinG an "Off" Day...((MusT Be On My A-GaMe at ALL TiMes))...I HaVe BeEn ThRu AloT BuT I WouLdn'T ChaNge A SingLe ThiNg...It's TrUe, WhaT DoeSn'T KiLL U Will OnlY MaKe U StronGer..