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Hello Peoplee, well this girl is the bestt! I love her to deathh&&she's like my sisterr. We've been best friends since 6th gradee. & im thankful to have a friend likee her. she is a person you can tell secrets to&she wont tell no one. She's nicee to everyone but if your a bitch pos she'll tell you something. She's ALWAYS sick. jaja. But i still love her. ja. She's so fun to be witth. YOu won't get bored with her. Trust me.(: She's really adventurous. jaja. She loves to have fun like i do. that's why we party together. ja. She comes to my house like mostly every weekend because we dont go to the same schools. I wish we did but unfortunately we don't. I like to hang out with her alott&we're always textingg, jaja all freaks♥ well anywyass, she's always ben there for me&she knows im always gonna be there for her also. SO yeah she hass this crushh, im not gonna say the name cuz he might read this. ja. well i hope if they go out that he doesn't brake her heart cuz i'll break his facee, he better take care of herr(: WEll she's really nice and funny. She alwayss knows how to make me laughh :D i love herr she's my BEST FRIEND♥ ily maribel(: -Narda-