About Me
Some of my favorite things are playing the guitar, the piano, and singing. I like outside--the sky, the trees, sunsets, stars, the ocean. I wish I could be outdoors more, like in the mountains or on the beach, or hiking. Silver Creek Falls is one of my favorite places to escape to. And I pretty much just love Oregon. I think it's one of the prettiest places. Good job God. I graduated from Western Baptist College (now named Corban College) in 2005 with a degree in Intercultural Studies and Missions. And I was on the volleyball team. Good times. As goes with my major, I do hope to do more missions work in the future. I especially have a heart for the poor. I like other cultures and languages. I don't necessarily like flying or being in cars for long amounts of time, but I like traveling for knowledge that it will take me to where I need to go and when I get there I will experience something great. I've gotten to do a little traveling outside the USofA. I spent 4 months in 2003 in Sevilla, Spain studying the language. I also visited Portugal and then Italy a couple years later on a mission trip...hmm I notice a Europe trend here, which I swear I didn't plan, things just always fell right in to place for all of them. I believe in God, and that he sent his son, Jesus as the redeemer for my sins. God has proven this to me in my heart, through the Bible, intellectually, archaelogically, and in miricales of peoples lives from the beginning of creation to present day. If you want to hear my miracles, ask. I also think that solid times of prayer and spending time reading the Bible are key. I am the leader of the worship through music at my church... I am also a youth leader to some of the coolest kids ever! I always look forward to hanging out with them and worshiping with them. I currently work at an audiology(ears) clinic where my days consist of speaking at very loud volumes and repeating myself frequently(basically I suffer from voice imodulation). I like tea. And I like to sleep. And I knit. And especially I like being around funny people. Funny as in haha, they make me laugh a lot...haha.(And on the subject of "haha"...I've decided i think the term "LOL" is not for me. I just can't bring myself to use it, as many times as I've tried. So i choose to stick with "haha", just for the record)