Re-G Band profile picture

Re-G Band

About Me

Myspace Layouts at / Jamaican Pride

The band Re-G was established in 1999 and the main goal was the popularization of the genre – reggae – in Hungary. The love towards reggea music of the 70’s and 80’s was the main cohesion of the group. Re-G preaches the „rasta – feeling” for six years with the same enthusiasm as in the beginning. The repertoire involves - amongs others - songs of Bob Marley, Alpha Blondy and Izrael Vibration. In the forefront now there are our own songs as well, of which a CD was recorded recently. Since 2000 we give concerts throughout the country regularly. We take part in the annual Sziget fesztival, and the Ladánybene 27 camp. We have also played at ther Spring Reggae Jam, after which we participated in many concerts in Slovakia by favour of the Polemic band. We also had the possibility to play at the international reggae festival - near to Prague – for 3 – 4 thousand people. Further important moments of the group’s life: Tv performances (MTV1; RTL Klub, Sloven TV) Our song: „Nem kell más” was played in the Hungarian movie „Teso” Also we gave auspicious concerts at the „Budapest Plázs” and the „Duna Terasz”. The talent scout contest at the „Zöld Pardon” was a great leap forward for the band; since we were given the opportunity to play at the most popular open-air podium of Budapest. Re-G is giving more and more concerts outside Hungary, in Slovakia,Romania, Checz Republic, Serbia and Montenegro, also in Austria and Slovenia. Since the year 2004 the Afro-Reggae-Ska Party is organised by the band, in every second month in Trafó, Budapest. 2007 was the year of changes in the band’s life. The group’s style hasn’t changed much, only it has become more modern, thanks to the changes in the beatsection and the singersection. An Mc has joined the band and his performance makes the music even more unique. We are heading the future with renewed enthusiasm and with modern roots style.

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Member Since: 24/03/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Ferencz Kinga(ének) Andy Ras(ragga) Juhász András (Szóló gitár) Dudás Viktor (dob) Pál "Szaby G" Szabolcs (billentyus hangszerek) Rembeczki Gábor (Bassusgitár) Görögh Dániel (trombita) Baranyai Diána (Szaxofon) Mc SizeR (MC)
Sounds Like: Alpha Blondy, Israel Vibration, Burning Spear, Groundation, Manu Chao,
Record Label: Unsigned

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