I want to meet people with the same passion as I have. I have a passion for sex. I'm no dog. I'm the guy next door that you been looking at. I love sex. To have it everyday is what I want, but I will settle for 3x a week. The problem is.....there aren't many ladies who really want to express themselves this way. They say that they know how to lick it...they lie. They said they know how to give it hard...they lie. They say they can go all night....now that is never true. I'm truthful....I can't go all night and not that I would want to. But 2 hours of intense, passionate, straight out hardcore balling is the best. I love licking, sucking rubbing you get the idea, right? I love to fanatsize about being with more than one ladies but never had the chance to do it. Just traditional one on one is what I've had but I'm willing to try new things. Have you ever used a popsicle?? OMG!!! It's soo good. It is a bit messy so don't use your good sheets :)