Lady Loves A .45 profile picture

Lady Loves A .45


About Me

Oh, this is where I put all that interesting stuff like "How I See Myself" I won't bother to pull any punches, or delve off into some fantasy world. I am a thirty-something, on my third marriage, with five kids, two dogs, one cat, God only knows how many mice hiding in my walls, and more fish than I could count with all my fingers and toes. No doubt that if all the aquariums burst in my house at once, I would drown. And then my house would smell horrible, and my resale value would be shot to hell. I tend to like weapons much better than people, since I have never made the mistake of taking home a crazy semi-auto. I have never threatened to kill a president. Even "shrub" who could probably use a good killin. I am very involved in my children, and firmly believe I could not have been the mother I wanted to be if I were to go off to work and let daycare raise them. I also seem to have this uncanny ability to attract drama and weirdo's. Which is why I tend not to be warm and sharing

My Interests

Stalking my tribe all over the internet.
on Xanga
on Vampirefreaks

I'd like to meet:

The Virgin Mary, cause it's the only way I will believe in her existence.


Yes, I do...... I always hate these sections. Like what you list is supposed to define you. So I always cheat and just list what's in my 5 disk changer at the moment. Ministry-Twitch/ The Essential Willie Nelson- disk 2/ The Very Best of Nina Simone 1967-1972 disk 1/ Portishead-Dummy/ The Cure-Three Imaginary Boys disk 2 The Rarities/So, that spank the monkey for ya?


Which always seem to be on somewhere in my house, and I never see them. I think the last movie I saw all of was Finding Neverland, and although I enjoyed it, it took 3 days to watch. My all time favorites are The Age of Innocence( which I start crying 3 minutes into) and Mars Attacks! (which leaves me squealing in delight)


Nip/Tuck, The Shield, The 4400. I would watch more, but I never have the time, and I don't remember what time or channel crap comes on. I usually leave CNN, or C-Span running in the background.


Like music, I read alot, and not really in any paticular genre.


Roland Deschain.....For never giving up. he keeps walking back through the door, knowing what hell he will live through again and again because it's Ka, and Ka is a wheel.

My Blog


So, I am wondering......Which is more ignorant? Men who never learn, or women who are determined that eventually they will. I apparently don't have the answer yet because I am one of those women. Yes,...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 02:21:00 PST

Funny how I lie unintentionally

So, days later, and another reality check. There is a reason my hubby dearest is quick to apologize, but never really sweats this stuff. I have just noticed that it's the same reason that every ex I h...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Tue, 18 Apr 2006 04:56:00 PST

So, The thing is...

I have this terrible issue with my self-esteem. It's not new. My self-esteem has always been so low that crawling out of bed is a major step. I am also terribly co-dependant. Which simply means that i...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Tue, 11 Apr 2006 05:03:00 PST

things I would never guess

A friend sent me the link, along with the fact that he is a duck. Wasn't so surrprized by that, but I was a little surprised by this:  You Are A: Squirrel! Squirrels are quick and cheerful animal...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Thu, 06 Apr 2006 05:12:00 PST

To Protect...Or maybe not

And tonights rant is parents! So baby girl has been dating a new guy. And he is a really great guy. I just wish his parents knew that. And it's kind of scary. I fully believe in parenting by communica...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Thu, 16 Mar 2006 09:38:00 PST

No Sleep...(or can we abolish the word Forever)

Awake as usual. Sitting in the garage with baby girls laptop, and trying not to ash on it as I shiver. Smoking is a bitch. Especially when you self impose the rules about where it's ok to smoke, and i...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Thu, 22 Dec 2005 02:00:00 PST

Can't sleep

I am so damned tired of the insomnia I could almost drown myself in Southern Comfort. Oh, that might work. We'll see....................
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 12:55:00 PST

Time to Myself

Thinking I might start spending as little more time on my computer. Kinda miss the shutupanddance crew. Have not popped into the 1911 forums since god only knows. Know this wont last because my baby w...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Sun, 04 Dec 2005 02:21:00 PST

Why I am still home..or my birthday song.

I was going to be in SoCal this week. Didn't work out that way. Because of the hurricanes my better half has been in New Orleans. He did come home just in time for a gun show. Which is why I might try...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 09:36:00 PST


All I wanted was to be boring. I hate drama. I have wasted far too much of my life on needless drama. I don't want to be a damned emo kid.(although I am not qiute sure exactly what they are...and my d...
Posted by Lady Loves A .45 on Thu, 15 Sep 2005 06:09:00 PST