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Find someone to hold your hand forever..

About Me

Change is something I can get used to like you'd never believe. It really is the most AMAZING thing ever. I'm Trisa--pronoucned Treesa to be exact. I am the MOST honest person about ANYTHIING. Liars are just fakers who are scared to tell you the truth. Be my friend and I will NEVER be scared to tell you anything. I have the CUTEST God daughter on this planet, her name is Eleni and I am so lucky to have her. I have really super short hair unlike most girls and also unlike most girls it REALLY DOES look good on me. I buy something new every day. Yes, it is an addiction but I REFUSE to get help for it because it helps my obession of having new things. I'm Greek, unlike most of my friends. I am from the islands of Cyprus and Crete. Mostly Cyprus though! (Gotta make my momma proud!!) I have NEVER been to Crete but will visit one day when the time permits me too or when Andrew and I decide is good, whichever comes first. Although I have only been to Cyprus a few times I will go back plenty of times now that I KNOW paradise actually DOES exsist. Cliche' I know, but true. I'm rarely in a bad mood. I always have a smile on my face. It definately helps with the rest of my outfit. I am a work-a-holic, even though I HATE HATE HATE my job. It pays my bills and I'm NOT one to complain. I am SUPER random, get used to it. I LOVE to make the MOST of a moment and LAUGH as much as I can, because you only get ONE shot to have fun, so live it up! (and drink it down) because you'll NEVER know when you're time is up. One of my ABSOLUTE favorite things to do is laugh until my belly hurts, Tracey makes me do this most. Shes my best friend and I can't get enough of her. Or maybe its her car and us ALWAYS going shopping?! Whatever it may be, I am damn lucky to have her. I CANNOT wait to start a family one day!! As young as I may be--I KNOW for a fact that the day I start my life with Andrew is the day I KNOW I've died and gone to heaven or close enough. I am a true romantic. Lame as it sounds its true. I DON'T do mushy but sweet and sultry might as well be my middle names. I LOVE TO EAT!! I should be the FATTEST person on this planet, if good food is left around me ESPECIALLY sweets--PREPARE FOR ME TO EAT THEM ALL!!! I HATE people who DON'T like sarcasm. I am the BIGGEST sarcastic son of a bitch on this planet. Dry humor seems to be my favorite as I am growing up, I find myself laughing at things other people don't. I don't care what other people think anymore. I'm over them. This is why I have very few friends, it used to bother me because I always wanted everyone to like me. I got over that really fast, once I realized who my REAL friends were. My mother has to be the MOST AMAZING woman on this planet. For as long as I can remember she has worked three jobs to provide for her four children. I promise one day I WILL be like her. She's what makes my world go 'round, well her and a GREAT pair of heals. A fabulous pair of heals can make an outfit even more spectacular. I wear heals more often than not when going out. They make my legs look so much sexier, I'm NOT concieted, just very confident in myself now that I have grown out of my old tendencies. My brothers are my back bone in life, hands down. They always have the right things to say, even if they sound like they have NO idea what they are talking about, because well let's be honest here--half the time, they DON'T, but still I have the BESTEST brothers a girl could ever find herself asking for. I'm NOT going to lie, I like going to the bar for a drink. Hell, I like going for more than one drink and a few shots while I'm at it, but that gets boring really fast. I LOVE to stay in with a comfterable pair of sweats and Andrew and watch a good flick. I'm a big time snuggler, ask Andrew, you can't get me away from him. My guilty pleasure is that I dance around like a fool like no one is watching me. Also I can tell you this in full confidence I am quite possibly the MOST confrontational person on this PLANET, I got that from all three of my brothers. But when it comes to fighting, I will try and talk things out before anything actually has to be "thrown down." That handsome man you see down there in the picture with me ♥HE IS THE ONE WITH MY HEART AND MY EVERYTHING!!♥

My Interests

I am usually up for anything once. You name it, lets do it!

I'd like to meet:

my grandpa Tony.


I listen to everything. But the key to my heart is Frank Sinatra or Harry Connick Jr.


The Wizard of Oz, A Bronx Tale, Brokeback Mountain, The Notebook, American Psycho just to name a few.


the Simpsons, Everybody Loves Raymond, Family Guy, War at Home, Seinfeld, Friends. I usually don't have much time for TV but when I do, it's usually those.


Give me a book and I'll give it a chance. I like most books. But to be completely honest I LOVE Nicholas Sparks! I am a BIG cheese ball for books that he writes.


My mother. She is the STRONGEST woman I have ever met in my entire life. I look up to her a great deal. Also my little brother Louie. He and I may not get along all the time but he is by far my favorite person. He may NOT know it but I find myself trying to be around him as much as possible.