I would love to meet Gwen Stefani, Christina Aguilera and Oprah.
We just saw Knocked Up and it was sooooo funny. Everyone must go see it!!!!! Some movies I have reccently watched that were must sees were Blood Diamond, The Holiday, Alfa Dog, Borat and The Departed. They were great! Three movies we tend to watch every time they are on HBO are The Forty Year Old Virgin, In Her Shoes and Spanglish...some of our favorites. My all time favorite moives are The Shawshank Redemption and Pulp Fiction.
My TIVO is set to record Friday Night Lights, Desperate House Wives, Studio 60, Ugly Betty and Rome on HBO. My husband, Jimmy, and I are also SNL junkies from way back.
Latley I have been reading a lot of motivational type books.