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Inward Paths


About Me

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Inward Paths, LLC is a company dedicated to facilitation of higher consciousness. It does so through the organization of workshops, journeys, and trips to (in most cases) scenic or sacred locations; although local workshops are also a focus.
We use the term “sacred locations”, yet knowingly the most sacred of all locations is inside our own hearts and minds. While attending events that bring one into proximity with like minded seekers or high energy locations is an added advantage and most certainly aesthetically pleasing to the learning process, Inward Paths is also dedicated to heightening the experience(s) with intuitive and knowledgeable guides.
Whether you are a client who is just starting out on your journey (or) are an experienced seeker looking for quality companionship in the world’s most beautiful and sacred places; we’re sure you’ll find a meaningful path with Inward Paths.
Namaste (which means: The Divine in me recognizes and acknowledges the Divine in you)
Scott Martin - Founder

My Interests

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