Born Julian Washington this young female emcee known as Zion McCray has been blazing the mic for over five years. At the young age of 20 her skills have surpassed many others. She states "All my life i knew i was different from the rest, i listened to music and studied it as if i was studying for a test i remember people putting me down everyday because i was a female. So i decided to bring it harder than any other through my content and flow. All my songs have meanings from the club bangers to the gangsta hits. I take my music very serious its my life so i can only be the best." Zion McCray has performed a little bit of everywhere this summer she performed for a school in China. She is a determined artist and is rising above the rest. Her album's debut is schedule to hit sometime in 2010 an independent project so look out for her album "Faithful To Loyalty".Those who half-step never accomplish anything so i mean anyone who is 150% with their music and likes my messages without my music i have no problem working with them."She says "I WILL NEVER FAIL". My first thought of this young lady was to be intimidated. But as she spoke to me i found out she was a very open-minded, and a very mature young adult. She just knows business is business. Its not just her appearance, how she dresses, nor is it the way she flows, its the way she is seeking greatness and has accomplished so much in so little time. She told me "its not my appearance that people should fear its my messages through out my music that people should be scard of. Because i tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God." At this point her favorite show was coming on A&E's 48hours so we had to cut the interview a little short. But right before i left she told me some of the wises words i have ever heard " It is not me people love, it is my mind and my soul and with this holds the key to my destiny
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