Instead of schools, healthcare, or jobs, our tax money is being wasted in the name of this failed occupation. Let out voice be heard together
on March 20th, 2008 from 4 to 7 pm over the bridges of 59 South, Houston Tx
The American people have spoken clearly. We don't want the government to continue it's war in Iraq. Despite massive anti-war demonstrations across the country, and the elections in 2006, our renegade government has chosen to ignore the American people and continue without an end in sight. The time has come to let our officials know that we want them to withdraw from Iraq now. This is another war that we will not win. We cannot win, because wars are not won. They are simply fought, and the victor then inflicts their particular brand of cruelty on the loser. Nobody wins.
This is a non-violent movement rooted in positivity. Yes there is lots to be upset about, but we're done getting angry. Now, we're getting ORGANIZED.
Anyone interested in getting involved in any way, let us know. We appreciate your help.