fReunde , musiC, hanDy, tV, foRtgehn, iCq (303-915-719)..
iGnite, fLogging moLLy, biLLy taLent, Rise agaiNst, boysetsfiRe, aFi, aVenged sevenfoLd, dRopkiCk muRphys, Mando Diao, muSe, miA., miLLencolin, The hiVes, inCubus, supeRsuCkeRs, Johnny Cash, buLlet foR my vaLentine, The White stRipes, siLveRstein, waLLs of jeRiCho, bounCing souLs, lostpRophets, thRice, bRidge to soLace, aLL that Remains, System of a down, eveRgReen teRRaCe, Beatsteaks, wiR sind heLden, Madsen, gentLeman, Linkin paRk, Nada suRf, ranCid, The raConteuRs, The Ravonettes, The Used, 30 seConds to maRs, coLdpLay, ..
Walk the Line, ButteRfLy EffeCt, EiskaLte EngeL, fLuch deR KaRibik 1-3, SpideRman 1-3, AmeRican HistoRy X, AmeRiCan Beauty, SoLange du da bist, NuR noCh 60 Sekunden, PuLp FiCtion, WeLcome to tHe jungLe, OceaNs eLeven, deR fLuCh, deR exoRzismus deR emiLy Rose, veRRüCkt naCh maRy, staR waRs, Sin City, iCe Age 1 & 2, aRmageddon, fRom duSk tiLL dowN, 300, vaniLLa sKy, Findet, Nemo, brOkebaCk MouNtain, naChts im muSeum, kLiCk,..
DespeRate HouSewives, Sex aNd the City, WeedS, SimpSons, MaLcom, mtV, viVa, SouthpaRk, FamiLy Guy,..
Das PaRfum, Die SchaChnoveLLe, EngeL und JoE, iLLuminati,..
!!Dominik!! [ich liiebe dich üüüber alles] ♥