Well, I'm easy going, passive and enjoy the company of my family and friends. I like to joke around, have fun, and play music. I love to play my DRUMS with ATTITUDE...LOL. I have four beautiful devil spawns. They are so awesome, I have a handycap son who is so damn strong, He's a trip though. My other son will be better at drums then I am, My oldest daughter is getting great grades in school. My youngest daughter is so hyper, witty and so smart, she will probably make some serious money after college (THEY ALL WILL) THEY MAKE SO PROUD!!!!!, A gorgeous wife that puts up with my shit. I believe that everything happens for a reason, but you have the destiny to change your path if you choose to, DON'T wait for it to change for you, If you do, It may be to LATE.
I work at Wal-Mart,in the maitenance Dept. I've been there for about going on eleven years now.I like my job, but I'm now thinking about moving around a little, maybe to a different department. I have met alot of people through the years, and made some good friends with some of them.I also grew closer to a few workers and their families.
I'm at the point of my life where I shouldn't let some mistakes in my past bother me, and need to move on. I'm pretty upbeat about certain issues in my life, but people seem to tear me down to get there own gratification and pleasure of trying to be somewhat superior to me ,especially in music area, and I guess it makes them feel good?!? If thats the case, don't bother me with your below standard ways of humor..HEE HEE
Being a musician, we all know it's a cut throat industry if you wanna get serious about it. The produceers and managers look for something different, a fresh new scene and sound, that no-one has yet. This is truley a difficult tasks to perform since all of it and I DO MEAN ALL of it been done before.We all try to give that 110 percent everytime you start a show or begin the evening with a blast of want-to-be-newness of the area. I do have some serious injuries i'm coping with, no this isn't a whiney session as some would call it, It's an info session to all who been asking. ----Other the the serious back injuries i"ve been dealing with since 92, I realize the Doctors may have one on me....Quote and un quote...you'll be in a wheelchair by your 50"....Well my meds are doing some serious issues with me and its harder to lift or anything.....yet the fire in me "says get up proove them wrong again man, do it...you have more fight".....We'll I've been proving alot of people wrong on many isues but this one is getting harder. But I want to be a normal family as well. My kids are getting older while I'm Not hee hee, my Wife is still unstable,but is getting better, Bless her, and There isnt enough life to love much more as we all should...
I have been trying to get the band started again. We have been in search for a bass player and a singer for now, but may add a rythmn g-tar as well. The music will be heavier for sure but not as heavier as some of the bands here. We'll see though. I've been working on some double bass which I didn't care for too much but a someone told me I shouldn't dis it so much. That was good advise....I'm getting better at it but we'll see what comes of it....I also been working on some different styles of drumming as well... Unity Crisis is starting to get things together soon !!!!!