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FOOTBALL... FOOTBALL... AND UM LETS SEE FOOTBALL...delight yourself in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart Psalms 37:4
nelly and rich boy
use to be rap, r&b,hip hop and lil country...
now rock, punk, scremo, n more country... so add that to above...
and some old school i mean old school
Finding Nemo is now my favorite cause it has a meaning now just cause i watched it with the most perfect person on V-Day. so nothing can top that. i'll watch any type of movie sometimes. fuck a findin nemo n fuckin v-day! its all bout adam sandlers movies baby! ANGER MANAGEMENT, n the others i just watched that one, i love it all i did was laugh n not think of anyone! just playin bout the findin nemo i was mad i love it and the person i was with and v- day. hardball,enough, benchwarmers,hustle and flow, and many more
love csi miami... and hannah montana... yea its kiddie but hey i'll watch anthing... dependin... oh forgot drake n josh... miami and la ink...
O Lord,how many are my foes!How many rise up against me!Many are saying of me, "God will no deliver him."But you are a shield around me and lift lift up my head.To the lord i cry alound,andhe answers me from his holy hill.I lie down and sleep: i wake again, cause the Lord sustains me.i will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on everyside. Arise o Lord! Deliver me,O my God!Strike all my enemies on the jaw:break the teeth of the wicked.From the Lord come deliverance.May your blessing be on your people. Psalms 3
O Lord, dont rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.Be merciful to me,Lord, for im faint:O Lord,heal me,for my bones are in agony.My soul is in anguish.How long,O Lord,how long?Turn,O Lord,and deliver me:save me cause of your unfailing love.No one remembers you when he is dead.Who prasies you from the grave?i, worn out from groaning:all night long i flooded my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears. My eyes grow weak with sorrow:they fail cause of all my foes.Away from me,all you who do evil, for the Lord has heard my weeping.The Lord has heard my cry for mercy:the Lord accepts my prayer.All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed:they will turn back in sudden disgrace. Psalms 6