Music, friends, laughter, video games, books, etc. I'm a typical little one. no surprise there. I also like the zombie sheep.
Currently, Jean Lachapelle in a utensil death match. I will be armed with a fork, and he will be equipped with a spoon. May the best man win.
* Madonna
~ Barenaked Ladies
* R.E.M.
~The Police
* Black Eyed Peas
~ Nirvana
* Bob Marley
~ Phil Collins
* Tragically Hip
~ Metallica
* Pantera
~ Pink Floyd
* Black Sabbath
~ Theory of a Dead Man
* Heart
~ Blondie
* The Beatles
~ The Rolling Stones
* Bob Dylan
~ Eric Clapton
* Barbara Streisand
~ Queen
* Fleetwood Mac
~ Rod Stewart
* Stevie Wonder
~ U2
* Bryan Adams
~ Paula Cole
* Fifth Dimension
~ Aerosmith
* Alanis Morisette
~ My Chemical Romance
* April Wine
~ Carly Simon
* Cheap Trick
~ David Bowie
* The Cranberries
~ Genesis
* Elvis Costello
~ Jann Arden
* Joan Jett
~ Jet
* Jimi Hendrix
~ Joss Stone
* Diana Krall
~ Ray Charles
* Led Zeppelin
~ Matchbox Twenty
* Melissa Ethridge
Should I really continue... suffice it to say, my taste is eclectic.
Movies eh... welp, I love musicals and comedies, and occasionally, when my uterus and ovaries are on crack, I'm down for a chick flick. But then again... like with everything else, my tastes are varied. My favorites though are.... The Birdcage, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Black Beauty, Edward Scissor Hands, TMNT I-III, Hercules, theres others too... I also really enjoyed the Dawn of the Deads.
I rarely watch television anymore unless it's the movie channel. Television melts my soul.
* HP: I-VI
* The Hobbit
~ The Banned and the Banished by James Clemens
* Any chick lit, but mostly Kinsella, Davidson, Evanovich.
~ History based stuff.
* Occult based stuff.
I'll read what you give me to read, so long as you don't force me. There is nothing that turns me off from books more than having them pushed onto me. Hence, why Augustine met an untimely fate.
My heros consist of anyone who does something worthy for society in general.