About Me
"Little girls, this seems to say, never stop upon your way, never trust a stranger-friend, no-one knows how it will end...As you're pretty, so be wise! Wolves may lurk in every guise! Now, as then, it's simple truth, sweetest tongue has sharpest tooth!" - Little Red Riding Hood
My name is Luke, I study Forensic Science and Criminology at Lincoln University...and Im somewhat complicated...
...Of The Moment:
Band: Nim Vind (See Top Friends)
Why?: Recently released a new album titled 'Stillness Illness' and it is pretty damn awesome, his music is a mixture of many different genres and combines everything in music I love. The energy of punk, the melodies and backing vocal stylings of 50's doowop with the darker themes of both horrorpunk and goth...extremely catchy and simply put, very good music, highly reccomend checking out this artist.
Song: 'I Dont Care' By Apocalyptica ft. Adam Gontier..
Why?: Im a fan of their use of the cello and a fan of Adams vocal style. If you didnt know, Adam is the lead singer from 3 Doors Down, a really good band with some legendary tracks, so to see him lending his vocals to a darker track is brilliant and it works fantastically. The video is also pretty cool, a lil confusing lol, but cool; particularly when the Apocalyptica lads are seen to use women as cellos..youtube the vid if you dont belive me :p
Movie: Dr. Horribles Sing-a-Long Blog
Why?: Maybe nt so much a movie, but it has just been released on dvd in the states so I think it works...anyway, its made by a genius, Joss Whedon, and stars two of my favourite actors, Neil Patrick Harris (Legendary!) and Nathan Fillion (Captian Reynolds FTW!)with a cool story, great singing and acting and all round merryment to be had by all...if im right i still think you can find the whole of this in parts on the 'tube so have a gander.
TV Series: Smallville
Why?: Half way through season 8 and the yanks take their random 'half way month break' god knows why, but its the done thing, anyway, this season could have been really bad, but i think its worked really well, youve seen Clark become the guy you recognise in the Superman movies and youve seen him get his foot in the door of the Daily planet as well as getting closer with Lois...the main villain has just made an appearance, although I dont approve of them using Doomsday (The one villain in history that actually KILLED superman in the comics) being brought in the face a naive superman that cant even fly just now, he does however look kick ass! will be interesting to see how they end this, because they cant kill either of the characters off, so I can see a dissappointing ending th=o the season happening...but hopefully not before theres an insane episode long fight scene between Superman/Clark and Doomsday...
Game: Red Stone Online
Why?:Back to basics mmorpg, nothing overly good about the graphics but the game play is enjoyable and addictive with always something to be doing or a new goal to aim for, if you join this game my main user name is a lvl 360+ Thief called "Highwayman" or alternatively I also have a Lvl 220+ Archer called Vintage, but Highway is my main so PM that if you join.
Book: 'The Watchmen'By Alan Moore
Why?:And AGAIN, yet ANOTHER awesome graphic novel from one of my favourite writers. This novel is penned as one of the best graphic novels of all time, and with a film due next year I thought I should get this bad boy read before then. I havnt finished it yet but so-far-so-awesome. The main plot of the story is that one of a group of retired masked vigilantes is murder in cold blood, resulting in the previous members of The Watchmen searching for a killer whilst uncovering a much sinister plot. Good plot yeah, but the most impressive thing about this novel is the back histroy and the characters depth, their is INSANE amounts to these characters, their histroy, their opinions, their flaws, their personalities...its strange seeing a group of basically, superheroes being shown as human, with darker sides and emotions. This isnt a kids graphic novel, you can tell its written for an older audience much like most if not all of Alan Moores other novels so it doesnt simplfy or fore-go any atmosphere, its very gritty, dark and film-noir esque and so far, its kinda kicking arse it must be said...I'll keep you updated. UPDATE: Yeah, it fucking owned, great ending...cant wait for the film ('_')